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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007 12:52 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Washington Times reviews Nature's Engraver by Jenny Uglow, the biography of Thomas Bewick (check other reviews in these old posts). The great admiration that the Brontë family felt for his works is mentioned:
"Each picture told a story," praised Charlotte Bronte. "With Bewick on my knee, I was then happy." Other admirers included the artist and naturalist John James Audubon, who met Bewick in his later years and who praised his "penetrating observation"; the poet William Wordsworth ("that the genius of Bewick were mine") and writer and artist Beatrix Potter, who copied Bewick's birds and animals into tiny home-made books. (Marion Elizabeth Rodgers)
Phoenix Cinema reviews the 1996 BBC adaptation of The Tenant of Wildfell Hall:
Fans of the novel should be happy with this adaptation. It is perfectly cast–even in the fairly minor roles. The photography is stunning, the costumes marvelous, and a haunting score accompanies the drama. (thought crime)
The Sharing Brain interviews writer Maryrose Wood. A new member of the Brontëites section:
My favorite author is Shakespeare. Homer’s good too, and Jane Austen and Nabokov and Virginia Woolf and Charlotte Brontë and the people who write the SpongeBob SquarePants scripts, they’re pretty brilliant.
BookGirl is re-reading Jane Eyre and other Brontë novels. On the Guthrie's Big Blue Blog you can peek a glimpse of the backstage/offstage of the performances of Jane Eyre. Lovely Places, Landscapes... indulges us with some nice pictures of Haworth.

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