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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007 12:33 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Some recent Brontë-related papers or talks:
Victorian Memories Conference
UCE Birmingham
Saturday 15 September 2007

1st Keynote Speaker: Professor Elisabeth Jay

Charlotte Brontë and Memory
Chair: Lizzie Ludlow (Warwick)
Alexandra Lewis (Cambridge): “Dim as a wheel fast spun”: Recovering (from) Memory, Writing Trauma in Charlotte Brontë’s Villette
Jennie Hann (Birkbeck): Reading and Remembering Jane Eyre

A first hand comment on this conference can be read here.

Thanks to the latest issue of Brontë Studies, we have discovered this other recent publication:
Wendy Bardsley, "The role of Branwell Brontë in his family, and his influence on the Brontë ouevre", Manchester Memoirs: The Memoirs and Proceedings of the Manchester Literary & Philosophical Society, Vol. 143, 2004-2005, pp. 53-63. Published by The Society, 2006.
And finally, another recent paper:
Victorian Review, 33:1 (2007)
Anna Lepine
“Virgin Solitude”: Envisioning a Textual Space for Spinsters in Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley
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