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    3 months ago

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 12:20 pm by Cristina in ,    No comments
Lots of unconnected mentions on the net today.

Shaggy Muses by Maureen Adams gets yet another review from the Albany Times Union.

Prairiemary posts a very funny anecdote concerning a stage production of Jane Eyre and a fire. Jane Eyre happens to be quite a reasonable cover for that kind of accident.

Salamun'Qaulam mirrabirrahim has just watched Zeffirelli's Jane Eyre and posts about it together with some 'memorable quotes' from it.

Jocy is trying to put together a Brontë Enthusiasts Club page. This is the idea:
It will be a page all dedicated to Charlotte and her talented sisters, Anne & Emily, with a tribute to her life and memory. We'll talk and share different ideas and stories and share any writings or short stories, poems, etc., of our own. For anyone who joins locally, maybe we'll even set up a day to meet at Starbucks or a coffee shop somewhere to further our group with fellowship and food and talk about our own ideas as writers.
Let her know if you're interested in joining.

There surely are plenty of Brontëites out there - as we ourselves are proof of. Two bloggers post summaries of the Brontës' lives in their own languages today. Book friend does so in Arabic and Arvenundomiel does so - with many pictures - in Russian.

A few days ago we read about the beginning of pixiechick's Book Bag project. Today we have more information on its development, with pictures.

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