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Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, June 24, 2007 12:36 pm by Cristina in ,    3 comments
This is for all the Jonathan Rhys Meyers fans out there who were disappointed not to see his name among the Brontë cast. Moldy Mansion posts about a live chat with Jonathan Rhys Meyers that took place on June 18 at Tom o'Neil's Envelope Chatroom at The L.A. Times.
-Winnie25: Will you be doing the movie Bronte, Jonathan?
-rougevelvet: Are you stil attached to the Bronte project?
-JONATHAN RHYS MEYERS: perhaps doing the movie bronte
-kerryanne: not to presume to tell you what to do, but you really should do Bronte - you're perfect for the role.
You see, there's still hope! So keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best :)

The rest of the so-called news today are not that interesting, though.

Neville de Silva, from The Sri Lanka Sunday Times has a tantrum at being accused of writing bad English by a High Commissioner.
As you might have noticed in your diplomatic wanderings High Commissioner, every plain Jane presumes to be a linguistic expert or a budding (or budded) Jane Austen or an Emily Bronte.
The San Jose Mercury News finishes an article on first dates with this:
"But it probably always was confusing," he says. "Go read the Bronte sisters' books. They're all about people being screwed up and baffled and trying to be with somebody. I think romance has always been complicated." (Mark de la Viña)
Make of it what you will.

The Lexington Herald-Leader has asked its readers to submit their favourite books. A few of them pick a Brontë novel.

And finally something that has made us laugh. Klramage is writing about a trip to England. Yesterday's post was devoted to... er, you know, that famous village where the Brontës lived and wrote their novels. What's its name?
When we get to Howorth*, the home of the Brontes, [...]
*I'm not clear on the proper spelling of this village's name. I've been spelling it as Howarth in my journal. Their official Web site has it as Howorth, but acknowledges that most people misspell it the way I have. However, the brochure I received at the parsonage spells it as Haworth. So take your pick.
Erm... if you look at the url provided by Klramage you'll see that it's clearly spelt H-A-W-O-R-T-H (and twice in the same url too!) and there is no mention of this supposed official spelling confusion. It's a totally different thing that people keep mispelling it, but the real name - and not just because the Parsonage brochure says so - is HAWORTH. It always has been - the Brontës never posted their letters from Howorth/Howarth/Howard/Hayworth. So your pick should be the right one: Haworth.

But do read the rest of the post for a nice entry on a visit to Haworth together with some pictures.

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  1. Its great to see there might still be a chance of seeing Meyers as Branwell. He's perfect for the part.

  2. I guess it all comes down to the filming dates and whether he can fit them in.

  3. I really hope he does it, he'd be sooo perfect in the role! I love how he can basically play any role, he's so good in the tudors and i feel like he'll be amazing in august rush. i absolutely love his hugo advert, so chic and he's so stunning!!!http://www.hugofragrances.com/us/
