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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday, May 23, 2007 1:40 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
Le Figaro reveals that a new French TV adaptation of Wuthering Heights is going to be produced:
« J'ai en reçu quelques-uns très beaux, mais les projets les plus marquants restent les adaptations littéraires », renchérit Christian Charret, président de GTV qui s'est attelé à La Maison Dombais et Fils, d'après le roman de Charles Dickens et aux Hauts de Hurlevent d'Emily Brontë pour la Trois.
Babelfish Translation -
I have in receipt some very beautiful (scripts), but the most outstanding projects remain the literary adaptations", increases Christian Charret, president of GTV which was harnessed at the House Dombais and Fils, according to the novel of Charles Dickens and with Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë for the Trois.
So, it seems that Gaumont Télévision is preparing a TV adaptation of Wuthering Heights for France 3. According to this web, the director is Laurent Jaoui (although the information says that the project was going to be aired in winter 2007 and obviously it wasn't, unless they mean winter 2007-2008). Another (and recent) website gives more interesting information:
Récemment il [Alexandre Adabachian] a entamé une collaboration suivie avec le réalisateur Laurent Jaoui, qui a abouti jusqu’à présent à La fonte des neiges (2004), La maison Dombey et fils, adaptation de Charles Dickens (en post-production) et Les hauts de Hurlevent d’après Emily Brontë en cours d’écriture.
According to this, Aleksandr Adabashyan is the writer of this new production. Probably his best known work is Oci Ciornie (Dark Eyes) (1987), the excellent film by Nikita Mikhalkov.

More things today: The Digital Bits reviews the recent DVD edition of Jane Eyre 1944 and Reading at Random posts a nice article about Jane Eyre, in Spanish.

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