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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:22 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Our weekly (or so) tour on the Non-English Brontë novelties and news.

Paula Rego's exhibition of Jane Eyre litographs in Lisboa, Portugal, is again on the news. We read on SIC online how 17 of the 25 Jane Eyre litographs are on the Galeria S. Bento (more information on this post) until next February 20. Each litograph of the series has 34 copies scattered around the world, but the ones on exhibition at Lisboa are for sale. The prices: 3200-9200 €. It seems that the exhibition is a total success and several litographs have already been sale, as it can be read in this article in Jornal de Notícias.
(Picture Source. Jornal de Notícias)

A new edition of Wuthering Heights is published this month in Argentina by DeBolsillo. Clarín reviews the edition highlighting the recovery of a historical prologue by Victoria Ocampo, who was also the author of Emily Brontë (Terra Incógnita). The prologue belongs to a talk given by Ms. Ocampo at the Biblioteca del Concejo de Mujeres on June 14, 1938. The prologue ends with these now, more than ever, prophetic words:
Emily Brontë: hablamos hoy de ti como de la borrasca (...) difícil te hubiera sido imaginar que tu libro cruzaría el Atlántico, que llegaría a estas tierras lejanas.
(Emily Brontë, we talk about you today the way we talk about a storm (...) it would have been difficult for you to imagine that your book would cross the Atlantic, that it would reach these distant lands.)
Last February 3, in Düsseldorf, the Sommertanz Junge Talente 2006 presented a choreography that was, at least partially, based on Wuthering Heights: In den Wipfeln der Bäume (In the tops of the trees).
Tanzhaus NRW (Saturday, February 3 18:00 PM)

Dancers: Sarah Annemüller, Jana Berg, Juliya Gawrylina, Lina Giuliana Joska, Sarah Klee, Alena Kugler, Valentina Piperato, Jonas Quatuor, Debby Rolland, Sandra Schaffarczik, Jonas Till
Choreography: Suna Göncü, Teresa Ranieri, Ingo Reulecke, Geraldo Si, Nadja Varga.
We really have no idea what says this article in the Vietnam portal TìmNhanh, but we suspect that they are re-telling the Brontë story.

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