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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007 1:31 pm by Cristina in ,    No comments
Many newspapers and websites publish reminders of the second and final part of the new Jane Eyre on PBS Masterpiece Theatre.

The summary on the Washington Post website is similar to one we recently posted. Here it is:

PBS's "Masterpiece Theatre" production of "Jane Eyre" (Channels 22 and 26 at 9) concludes with Jane and Rochester's wedding day taking a surprising turn after an unexpected visit from his previous wife.
Don't you get an image of a happy-divorcée, fashionable-looking Bertha, knocking on the door at Thornfield and, while giving courteous kisses all around, saying, 'Surprise! Hello darling, how are you? Oh, who is this plain girl we have here?'

EDIT: 28/01/07

Much better is this description from The Baxter Bulletin:
In the first half of this excellent miniseries, we met quiet, little Jane. Orphaned and mistreated by her aunt, she was dispatched to a cold school. She emerged with an education and limited career options. Now she’s a governess, well liked by the manor staff and interested in the darkly charming master of the house, Edward Rochester. Complicated twists come tonight, filmed against the beauty of the British countryside. Ruth Wilson provides the perfect picture of Jane, a solid centerpiece for the show. Toby Stephens is way too cute to fit Charlotte Bronte’s description of Rochester, but he’s so talented that all is forgiven. Under the stylish direction of Susanna White, who directed some of the “Bleak House” chapters, “Jane Eyre” comes to a strong, emotional finish. (Mike Hughes)

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