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Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday, January 27, 2007 12:04 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Susanne, the owner and creator of the excellent Brontë resources website The Brontës of Haworth (check it now) has sent us the summary of the most recent issue of Brontë Studies (Volume 32, Issue 1, March 2007). The issue is not yet available on the IngentaConnect website. As soon as it will be, we will post the abstracts and direct links.

Editorial (Amber M. Adams) (iii)

Reading Books and Looking at Pictures in the Novels of Charlotte Brontë. By Alison Hoddinott (1-10)

Between Nowhere and Home: the Odyssey of Lucy Snowe. By Shanyn Fiske (11-20)

Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre, the Female Detective and the 'Crime' of Female Selfhood. By Sandro Jung (21-30)

'It has Devoured My Existence': the Power of the Will and Illness in The Bride of
and Wuthering Heights. By Lakshmi Krishnan (31-40)

The Role of Religion in Wuthering Heights. By Graeme Tytler (41-55)

J. B. Leyland: Sculptor and Friend of Branwell Brontë. By Michael Walker (57-70)

Justine Picardie, My Mother's Wedding Dress: the Life and Afterlife of Clothes (Juliette Wells) (71-72)

Terence Dawson, '"An Oppression Past Explaining": Wuthering Heights and the Struggle for Deliverance from the Father', in The Effective Protagonist in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel: Scott, Brontë, Eliot, Wilde (Leslie Robertson) (72-74)

Jane Eyre, Television serial (Richard Wilcocks) (74-76)

Charlotte Brontë, The Illustrated Jane Eyre. Illustrated by Dame Darcy (Richard Wilcocks) (76-77)

Philip Lister, Ghost & Gravestones of Haworth (Stephen Whitehead) (78)

Daphne du Maurier, The Infernal World of Branwell Brontë (Bob Duckett) (78-79)

Cornelia Parker, Brontëan Abstracts (Richard Wilcocks) (79-80)

Andrew J. Fenady, Riders to Moon Rock (Carolyne van der Meer) (81-82)

Tamar Yellin, Kafka in Brontëland and Other Stories (Bob Duckett) (82-83)

Claire Raymond, The Posthumous Voice in Women's Writing from Mary Shelley to Sylvia Plath (Juliette Wells) (83-85)

Adam Strickson, Wuthering Heights: The Graphic Novel (script) (Richard Wilcocks) (85-87)

The Year's Work in English Studies, Volume 84, edited by William Baker and Kenneth Womack (James Ogden) (88)

S. R. Whitehead, The Brontës' Haworth: The Place and the People the Brontës Knew (Brian Wilks) (88-89)
Abstracts on this post.

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