Wide Sargasso Sea in Swedish and Wuthering Heights and wine. Two new books for today.
We read in
Sydsvenskan how a new Swedish translation of Wide Sargasso Sea appears edited by
Modernista. The article summarizes the recent '
history' of the Bertha Mason character. From Charlotte Brontë to Gubar and Gilbert passing by Jean Rhys. A curious thing:
The novel was first published in Swedish in 1989, titled "Den första hustrun" (The First Wife). Now Modernista have released the book again and have given it the more proper title "Sargassohavet" (Sargasso sea).
Details:- SargassoHavet by Jean Rhys
- Translated by Ingegärd Martinell
- Modernista (November 2006)
- ISBN 91-85453-55-2
The other book that we present today is about the relationship between wine and literature. Emily Brontë is mentioned. There are several wine mentions in Wuthering Heights but of course the first one that comes to mind is:
I've dreamt in my life dreams that have stayed with me ever after, a
nd changed my ideas: they've gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the colour of my mind. (Chapter IX)
El cáliz de las letras
Historia del vino en la literatura
Author: Miguel Ángel Muro Munilla
Publisher: Fundación Dinastía Vivanco (2006)
Language: Spanish
ISBN: 8461112830
Categories: Books, Emily Brontë, Translations, Wide Sargasso Sea
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