
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 3:00 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
The West Australian reminds us again that Emily Barclay will be Anne Brontë in the biopic Brontë that Angela Workman is preparing:
[Emily Barclay] is proving just as popular overseas. Barclay will begin production on British film Bronte in the new year.

She will play one of the famous Bronte sisters opposite Michelle Williams, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Ben Chaplin.

An update (not as encouraging as we would like) of the present status of the Brontë Spirit project (the initiative to protect and develop the Haworth School Room building)

At a meeting in Haworth on 30 November, it was reported that Brontë Spirit was not successful with its People’s Millions application, but had been put down as ‘first reserve’. We were invited to apply again in 2007.

A Business Plan has been drawn up. This will be used by the committee and will be additionally useful when the paperwork for Lottery Funding is dealt with.

A number of companies are being approached for funding for a new promotional booklet, which will be in A5 format and professionally designed.

We are looking for a patron – please send us your ideas. (Richard)

And finally a curious thing. We read on The Beatles Connection about Paul McCartney's ambitions to be Cathy in Wuthering Heights :P. It happened during an interview in the Eamonn Andrews Show (April 11, 1965) at the Teddington Studios-ABC-TV, London. Pictures here. The transcript of the interview can be read here.

PAUL: "We can't act, you know. We're no good."

JOHN: "They do so many cuts, it looks as though we're nearly acting. But we're not."

GEORGE: "Paul's gonna play Cathy in..."

EAMONN: "Wuthering Heights?"

GEORGE: "Yeah, that's right, Paul's Cathy."

PAUL: "Yeah. Wuthering Heights. It's my big ambition. No, but, uhh... We're not good enough as actors 'cuz they get, as John said, they get people around us in the film, and just stick us in in a little bit. Then there's a whole big pile of acting. And it looks as though we can act. But we can't."
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