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Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday, October 20, 2006 12:12 am by M.   2 comments
The Eyre Affair is appearing in different translations in the last months and in the near future. Some months ago we posted about the Italian release, Il Caso Jane Eyre, with that Gilliam-like cover. Now we report the publishing of a Swedish edition:
Var är Jane Eyre?
Leopard förlag, Sverige, 2006
(ISBN 9173431249)

A review of the book, in Swedish, can be found here. By the way, we found this cover a little bit influenced by the Storm Thorgerson's works for Pink Floyd.

The recent appearance, last July, of the French edition of the second Thursday Next book, Lost in a Good Book (in French: Délivrez-moi!) probably is the reason of the publishing of this new review of L'Affaire Jane Eyre. And it's a good excuse to present its cover :P.

An finally, next April the Spanish translation will appear: El Caso Jane Eyre (Ediciones B-Nova). The Spanish translator has published on his blog his views on the book and translating it.

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  1. I loved that book, what a hoot! It's good to see that most of the world will not be deprived of it.

  2. Yes, though I do wonder how it works in a non-English culture, or what people end up thinking of it if they are not acquainted with English literature and culture. Even with a fairly broad knowledge it gets tricky sometimes.

    And I wonder too the translator didn't throw the book out of the window. All those plays on words, etc. must be a translator's worst nightmare!
