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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday, October 08, 2006 12:36 am by M. in ,    No comments
Today, October 8, we have an alert from the UCCS (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs):
The Life of The Brontë Sisters: A Way of Understanding Jane Eyre


Following the highly successful series of Sunday afternoon lectures by Joran Ray on Jane Austen, Susan Taylor will examine how events in the lives of the Bronte sisters have affected their writing. Charlotte, Emily and Anne were born at Thornton, near Bradford, but moved to the nearby township of Haworth when Charlotte, the eldest of the famous novelists, was barely five years old. The children's formative years and their mature writing careers were developed in Haworth parsonage, amid the dramatic landscape of the surrounding moors. To find two writers of genius in one family would be rare, but to find 3 writers in one household is unique in the history of literature. Charlotte and Emily are ranked among the world's greatest novelists; Anne is a powerful underrated author. Taylor will examine the intersections of life and art in the Brontes' writing, with specific focus on Charlotte's Jane Eyre, the novel that began readers' fascination with the Brontes.

Date: Sunday, October 8, 2006
Time: 2:00pm-4:00pm
Event Location: Kraemer Family Library - 2nd Floor Apse
Event Contact: Hans Post Uiterweer; hans@postuiterweer.com
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