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Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday, September 10, 2006 12:22 am by Cristina   8 comments
Yes, you didn't click on the wrong address. This is still BrontëBlog, but with a new look. We have launched a new design in order to mark our very first anniversary online. One year posting news, finding out about amazing things taking place in Brontëland, discovering new books and pretty much realising that the Brontës are very much alive in the 21st century.

Feedback on the new look and template would be really appreciated. Kindly use the comments and/or e-mail to speak your mind.

But the celebration is not just a new template, we also celebrated our anniversary by giving away tickets to see the first two episodes of Jane Eyre at the BFI. We are still taking e-mails until 12 CET tonight. Once we have picked the winners they will be e-mailed with the good news. Hopefully they will be so kind as to report on the event. We are completely sure they will have a great time.

Already we would like to thank all of you who sent e-mails with the answer. Believe us, we would have gladly given tickets to one and all. It will be painful to throw those names in the air and pick only two.

We would also like to thank our readers for visiting this blog to quench their thirst for anything Brontë. We would consider we have done a good job if one or two of you have learned something new and/or made a Brontë-discovery. We most certainly have done great on both counts.

So here's to many more anniversaries and years full of Brontë!



  1. Great blog and great layout ! Happy web-birthday... my comments are absolutely not related with my participation in your competition ;)


  2. I'd like to wish a Happy Web-Birthday too! I like the new look very much :D. I can't imagine what it'd be like without this blog. Keep up the wonderful work!

  3. Here's to another 10 years! I love the new look, very fetching!

  4. Thanks all for your good wishes and kind words! We're very glad you like the new look - we're quite proud of it actually :)

  5. Happy birthday to BrontëBlog! And congratulations for the new layout. Hope to wish many more future anniversaries. Thank you for all the info and pics.

  6. Thank you too, cat47!

  7. Happy Anniversary! I always enjoy reading the letest Bronte news here at BronteBlog. Thanks for all your hard work in maintaining this blog.

  8. Thank you Mandy Joy and Marybeth! We enjoy "working" on the blog very much. So many great things have happened in this last year...
