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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:36 pm by Cristina   No comments
When day after day we find in the news empty mentions of the Brontës used as wildcards, you have no idea what a pleasure is to find the following in an article about Harper Lee:

Meanwhile, there is no disputing the mystique surrounding Harper Lee. But I don't think you can pin it down easily by attributing it to the "literary mystery" of her singular output followed by a long silence. After all, go tell it to Emily Bronte. I don't think the ongoing fascination has, at its core, anything much to do with Lee's personal choices. The fascination, truly, is deeper -- having much less to do with Lee herself than is comfortable to admit.

Don't you feel like applauding? Finally a reference that actually means something and knows its background information. I'm impressed.



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