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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Saturday, March 04, 2006 12:15 am by M.   No comments
On our sidebar you probably have noticed the presence of a permanent search window (provided by Technorati and implemented by BrontëBlog) that searchs for Brontë-related posts in the blogosphere. We have found some interesting ones in the last weeks and we would like to share them with our readers.

First, Brontëana (the first blog that existed exclusively about the Brontës and that publishes news, essays and a little bit of everything mainly related with Jane Eyre and its different retellings) has created a resources webpage. There it can be found an e-text of Emma, the unfinished novel by Charlotte Brontë. Is the first time, as far as we know, that this text is available on-line. Now you can find the link also in our sidebar.

In Katranna's blog we found a post that proposes a new reading on Jane Eyre. A reading that practically mixes Charlotte Brontë with David Lynch:
So... my theory is... that the entirety of Jane Eyre after somewhere in the first few chapters is not real. And that Jane in fact went mad in the red-room, and the events that follow did not happen, but she's just making it all up, and the whole story is the ravings of a lunatic.

Check it if you don't believe what you have read.

On Jennart's blog we found this rather naïve and unusual illustration of Charlotte Brontë for a biographical book cover project.

On OpenWriting's blog we read how Mike Coatesworth's daughter and son-in-law are forced to fight an uphill battle against cobblestones and the weather when they visit the home of the famous Brontës.

Or even this post on VinylMine's blog that discovers to us a 1990 song by the independend punk-rock band SuckDog named "Brontes in the attic" that you can download there if you are courageous.

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