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    3 months ago

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:59 am by M.   No comments
The Telegraph publishes a review of The Ultimate Teen Book Guide. Apparently teenagers and reading are a common topic these days. The reviewer Andrew Cunningham is not so very thrilled about the approach and style. One of the studied books is Wuthering Heights, and this is what the reviewer says:

Nicky Singer's comment that Wuthering Heights makes you "grateful to be alive" will have a few more teenagers wincing.

We can't help but agree with the reviewer and disagree with Mr Singer. But what really, really made us laugh out loud was the following, even if it's completely unrelated to the Brontës:

The guide's worst failing is the matey, mock-teenage tone too many of its adult reviewers affect. There's nothing teenagers despise more than adults trying to talk their language. One of the biggest offenders is Catherine Robinson, who peppers reviews with slangy terms stuffed with phoney teen-appeal, such as "seriously cool stuff!" and "lurve". Her comments on Rebecca (definitely in my all-time top 10) are particularly cringe-making: "One of my fave books ever - and if the ending doesn't leave you open-mouthed with disbelief… I'll eat my PC!"

Teenagers out there - just read the books and let your own feelings guide you!

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