
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    3 months ago

Friday, September 30, 2005

Friday, September 30, 2005 12:09 pm by Cristina   2 comments
icLiverpool carries a funny story. Singer Kit Hesketh Harvey is supporting American comedienne Joan Rivers on her British tour. The following ensued when he tried to play the travel guide in Yorkshire:

"I sit at the front of the coach and bluff a commentary on where we're going. In Yorkshire, I got into an awful tangle with my Brontes," says Kit.

"I talked about Charlotte Bronte's book Wuthering Heights. And then this loud, husky voice yelled from the back of the bus, 'Wrong novel. Wrong novel!' Joan is very bright and misses nothing."

What will we see next? Wuthering Heights turning into Nabokov's masterpiece? Wuthering Heights being the next Beowulf?

Poor Emily and her Wuthering Heights - it is constantly being taken from her!

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  1. A few months ago a friend of mine created a poll of sorts online about the Brontës just to see how popular their works are amongst her friends. Branwell recieved one vote and the person who voted for him said: "I chose Branwell because he wrote Wuthering Heights. it's the only book of theirs I can stand." ;) I had to ask why she thought he wrote WH, and she said that she had seen something on TV about it but that she didn't remember any of the details. I'm not sure if she has since changed her mind or not!

    My other story is that my mother can't seem to keep Jane Eyre and Emma appart. I bought her a copy of Emma and she refuses to read it since she has already seen "that movie about the young girl who ends up with that old man after the fire." ...oh woe.

  2. Oh, there are quite a few people who believe that it was Branwell who actually wrote WH. The have all sorts of conspiracy theories to back it up.

    Emma and Jane Eyre are about the two most different characters I can think of!

