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Saturday, July 06, 2024

The Hard Times has a hilarious article on 'Famous Authors Ranked by Their Ability to Front a Successful Metal Band'. All three Brontës are there.
25. Emily Brontë
Her band is really hoping the debut album’s moody cover art of misty moors and tortured lovers makes up for the narrative mess of the story, sorry, I mean music. [...]
13. Anne Brontë
The unfairly-overlooked Brontë sister puts together a group that does goth-inflected deathcore. They become critical darlings, publicly beef with Lorna Shore, and serve as guest musicians with some of the most respected undergroundish metal acts working today. The band is doing great until some dipshit named Gilbert strongarms his way into being their manager, steals Anne’s business papers, embezzles from the merch revenue, and just runs the whole thing into the ground. [...]
4. Charlotte Brontë
Brontë’s masterpiece “Jane Eyre” is one of the biggest middle fingers ever waggled in the face of the Victorian patriarchy. Charlotte is going to start an outspokenly feminist, all-women/nonbinary deathgrind band with at least one current member of Ragana. Their debut record, the album art of which depicts Mr. Brocklehurst’s severed head on a stick, is co-produced by Erik Rutan and makes almost everyone’s year-end list. (Jason Clemence)
A contributor to The Express Tribune lists 'Books Written by Women I Consider Perfect' (the amusing blunder is that Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke is included as well despite Rainer Maria Rilke being very much a man last time we checked).
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
This classic Victorian novel revived the entire Gothic genre of literature. Read this tale that revolves around the antihero, Heathcliff, who seeks vengeance on those who separated him from his beloved Cathy Earnshaw. (T. Edit)
El Debate (Spain) recommends five classics for the summer and one of them is Wuthering Heights.
Cumbres borrascosas
Emily Brontë
La canícula no es un impedimento, sino quizás un acicate, para viajar a los fríos páramos de Yorkshire con esta novela publicada en 1847 bajo el seudónimo de Ellis Bell. Debajo de este nombre se escondía Emily Brontë, quien a sus treinta años creó un clásico inmortal que ha despertado suspiros y pasiones desde entonces.
Arpa recupera este drama romántico, con ecos góticos y shakeasperianos que narra los amores del huérfano Heathcliff y Catherine Earnshaw. La identificación de los personajes con los parajes fríos y ventosos y sus desencuentros interesaron a sus contemporáneos pero no en la misma medida que a los lectores de las siguientes generaciones. Más de siglo y medio después, Cumbres borrascosas sigue siendo un imprescindible. (Gonzalo Núñez) (Translation)


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