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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
A new musical play on the Brontés opens today, June 11 in Tokyo:
Group B presents
ダイニング・テーブル (The Dining Table)
〜ブロンテ一家のいたところ〜 (Where the Brontë family was)
地中海料理&ワイン  Showレストラン ガルロ​チ (Mediterranean Cuisine & Wine Show Restaurant Garrochi)  160-0022 Tokyo, Shinjuku-ku, Shinjuku 3-15-17 Isetan Kaikan 6F
June 11,13, 19.00 h
June 14, 15 13.00 h
June 15 16.00 h

The story is set in a parsonage on the outskirts of the English countryside in the mid-19th century. At the dining table, Charlotte Bronte was coughing violently from time to time.
She is writing a novel. Her aged father Patrick keeps interrupting her and she is fed up with it. The ghosts of his younger siblings, Branwell, Emily, and Anne, who died several years ago, appear to him. The four of them happily reminisce about the past, Eventually, the various feelings he had been hiding in his heart began to bubble up...
With Miyuki Numao, Hideya Tanaka, Mizuno Takai, Misa Murata and Akihiro Hanebuchi.
Screenplay and Lyrics: Esmeralda
Composer and Music Director: Obe Kochi
Directed by: Mai Hirato
Assistant Music Director and Piano: Asuka Kuno
Choreography: Masako Yasumoto
Stage Director: Takashi Fujinaga


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