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Friday, March 31, 2023

Today is the 168th anniversary of the death of Charlotte Brontë. 'The trembling little hand was to write no more' as Thackeray put it.

The Spokesman-Review features Emily.
It’s taken these long 176 years, but Brontë is finally getting the attention she deserves – even if that attention is a bit far from the truth.
The good news? It just might draw people back to her novel. And who can complain about that? (Dan Webster)
Observador (Portugal( reviews it.

Ara (in Catalan) features Wuthering Heights now that the novel's been newly translated into Catalan.
No és estrany que Cims borrascosos es consideri una novel·la profundament innovadora i revolucionària, perquè topa amb les convencions i codis de l’època, plantant cara a la realitat d’uns personatges cruels i devastadors. S’hi tracta la violència familiar, l'alcoholisme, la pèrdua de la fe, el dogmatisme, patologies psíquiques i alienacions, passions irrefrenables, amors prohibits, el pes dels morts… A més, qui narra l’acció és la Nelly Dean, un personatge de condició social baixa que adquireix tota l’autoritat moral de la narració, cosa impensable a l’època. També podríem preguntar-nos si Cims borrascosos és una novel·la de terror, com afirma H.P. Lovecraft, perquè l’acció sembla que transcorri en l’infern, una magnífica història romàntica i tràgica o un relat de caràcter gòtic seductor i palpitant.
En tot cas, Cims borrascosos és una obra mestra i, com a tal, inclassificable. I hem de celebrar que en aquest racó de món ventós i dissortat aparegui una nova i magnífica edició a càrrec de l’editorial Viena amb la traducció de Ferran Ràfols Gesa. Una lectura inoblidable per alliberar-se de la monotonia sense fer-ne una cosa gens turmentada, ben al contrari. (Joaquim Armengol) (Translation)
Daily Mail asks bookish questions to writer Joanna Cannon.
[What book] . . . left you cold?
[...] I hated Wuthering Heights as a child, fell in love with Heathcliff as a teenager, and saw right through him as an adult. Stories bring us different treasure at different times, and I think that's one of the truly great things about reading.
Wuthering Heights was also a recent 'coup de coeur' for a member of the staff of Elle (France).

Culture Fly reviews The Secrets of Hartwood Hall by Katie Lumsden.
Drawing inspiration from the likes of Jane Eyre, Katie Lumsden’s debut is a twisty Victorian mystery full of intriguing characters and a creepy gothic atmosphere. (Natalie Xenos)
The Herald (Scotland) reviews the BBC’s latest adaptation of Great Expectations.
Nobody could argue that Great Expectations is among Dickens’s most powerful works. In part inspired by the Kentish marshes near where Dickens bought a house, the significance of its wild setting led one critic to describe it as the author’s Wuthering Heights. Written in serial form to save the fortunes of his failing magazine, All the Year Round, it was a sensation on publication (December 1, 1860- August 3, 1861). To this day – as the BBC’s new version attests – it continues to be enormously popular. (Rosemary Goring)
Optometry Today has an article on bell ringing (yes, we know... it's confusing).
The bells at Haworth Church were put in by Patrick Brontë in 1845. The Brontë sisters would have heard those bells while they were writing ¬– that same sound that we hear today punctuated the writing of Wuthering Heights. (Professor Ed Mallen)


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