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Sunday, April 03, 2022

Sunday, April 03, 2022 11:25 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments

Charlotte Brontë's tiny book's New York auction is all over the internet: Diario de Sevilla (Spain), Happy Magazine, Enson Haber (Turkey), АЗЕРТАДЖ (Azerbaijan)...

The Daily Beast comments on the finding of a 'lost city' off the coast of Yorkshire:
For many of us the news that there is an “Atlantis” off the coast of Yorkshire—a region best known for its tea, puddings, and the Brontë sisters—will come as some surprise. One might wonder what other metropolises, mythical and otherwise, lurk off the coastlines of the world’s countries. (Candida Moss)
The Gulf News on happiness:
We reassured her it was a pure coincidence that whenever our clan congregated in a room after a considerable amount of time, every tiny tête-à-tête triggered a round of laughter riot. ‘There is no happiness like that of being loved by your fellow creatures and the feeling that your presence is an addition to their comfort,’ wrote Charlotte Brontë. (Feby Imthias)
The Nation discusses the fantasy of a non-racist past in Bridgerton:
Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre (1847) includes the character Bertha Mason, a Creole from Jamaica described as having “dark” hair and a “discoloured,”blackened” face—whose parents approved of her marriage to Edward Rochester because he was “of a good race".  (Gary Younge)
Market Research Journals talks about the second season of  World of Fire:
So, yep, that’s how it’s shaping up. And, of course, Lois is trapped in a loveless marriage with Vernon, similar to Charlotte Brontë. (...)
He further suggested that Lois will be caught in a “Brontë-Esque, loveless marriage with Vernon” after accepting Vernon’s proposal at the end of World on Fire Season 1, which, in the eyes of Lois (Arthur Darvill), promises security for her and her daughter; however, the relationship may harm Lois’s strong and independent nature. (Robainie Abdul)
Tralalit discusses German translations of Wuthering Heights
Welche Übersetzung soll ich lesen?
Emily Brontës „Sturmhöhe“ zählt zu den meist übersetzten Büchern der englischen Literatur. Auch deutschsprachige Leser:innen haben die Qual der Wahl. (Julia Rosche) (Translation)
Barbadillo interviews the writer Gabriele Marconi:
 “All’inizio degli anni Ottanta, con tre amici organizzammo un itinerario sulle tracce dei Romani in Britannia, che sarebbe culminato proprio sul Vallo di Adriano. Per vari motivi non riuscimmo a partire, così, qualche anno fa, preparandoci alle vacanze, con la mia compagna abbiamo deciso di andare Oltremanica: lei per visitare soprattutto i luoghi di Cime tempestose, il famosissimo romanzo di Emily Brontë, io per raggiungere finalmente quella meta che avevo immaginato tanto tempo prima”.
Quali sono i luoghi che ha visitato nel corso della sua avventura? 
“La prima parte del viaggio era dedicata allo Yorkshire, dov’è ambientato il romanzo della Brontë. (Domenico Pistilli) (Translation)
Stuttgarter Nachrichten (Germany) and moors in literature:
Mythen und Schauergeschichten ranken sich um den sumpfigen Ort, der auch in der Literatur seinen Platz gefunden hat. Denken wir nur einmal an den wild-romantischen Klassiker "Sturmhöhe" von Emily Brontë. Darin wird ein Moor in Yorkshire zum Schauplatz der tragischen Geschichte um Heathcliff und Catherine. (Annette von Droste-Hülshoff) (Translation)

大紀元 (Epoch Times) (Japan) posts about Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. Petrina Binney reviews Emily Brontë's novel. Letras Libres (in Spanish) mentions that the favourite book of the late writer Juan Vicente Melo was Wuthering Heights. Which is also the favourite novel of the actress Melis Sezen according to El Comercio (Perú). François Lévesque describes Andrea Arnold's Wuthering Heights 2011 as 'sublime' in Le Devoir (in French).


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