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Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Tuesday, June 01, 2021 7:27 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
BBC Culture discusses 'How loneliness and creativity can work together'.
From Wordsworth wandering lonely as a cloud to a thousand pop songs about love-lost angst, culture is steeped in references to loneliness. Some authors have sung its praises – Virginia Woolf said loneliness allowed her to feel "the singing of the real world". Emily Brontë's novel, Wuthering Heights, pulsates with agonising loneliness, from its windswept Yorkshire Moors setting to its moody, solitary antihero Heathcliff. The writer is said to have avoided human society, and rarely left Haworth. (Beverley D'Silva)
The Times publishes a letter which is a follow-up to the TB article published yesterday:
Sir, There are more similarities between tuberculosis and Covid-19 than the susceptibility of asthmatics as shown by Anne Brontë (“Travel may have saved Charlotte Brontë from TB that killed siblings”, May 31). Children of primary school age seem to have relative protection from both infections. Ethnic minorities are more susceptible, perhaps because of vitamin D deficiency. Both can result in permanent fibrosis of the lungs and both can be controlled by test and trace. There are other similarities but here are enough to give thought as to how the elimination of Covid-19 can give lessons to the elimination of a disease that has plagued humankind for thousands of years.
Peter Davies, Former secretary, TB Alert, a charity; co-editor, Clinical Tuberculosis (6th ed.)
El cultural (Spain) features Purificació Mascarell's first short story collection:
. . .  y “Una historia inglesa” es un relato gótico a lo Jane Eyre. (Elena Costa) (Translation)
The Yorkshire Post has an article on 'Why Yorkshire is so attractive to film crews' which mentions the ongoing filming of Emily's biopic. La stampa (Italy) explains why the Brontës died young claiming it was because of the water.


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