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Monday, March 15, 2021

Monday, March 15, 2021 10:32 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Something to look forward to this summer as reported by About Manchester:
Charlotte Brontë and Elizabeth Gaskell season (July – August 2021)
Elizabeth Gaskell House is working in partnership with the Brontë Parsonage Museum to bring you a short season of events exploring the unlikely friendship between two giants of 19th century literature.
The two writers were polar opposites in many ways yet they were immediately drawn to each other when they met in 1850 and Charlotte stayed with the Gaskell family on three occasions.  Discover how, after Charlotte’s death, Elizabeth’s autobiography ‘The Life’ secured the legacy, reputation and myth of Charlotte Bronte.
The season finale is a panel discussion featuring Dr Lucy Hanks and chaired by Libby Tempest of the Gaskell Society.  Further details to follow (Nigel Barlow)
NPR Books reviews the new translation of Marguerite Duras's Les Impudents mentioning the author's influences.
Literary influences included Ibsen's A Dollhouse and Chekhov's The Seagull, as well as Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights. (Martha Anne Toll)
Tullahoma News recommends Susan Hill's The Woman in Black:
This story was written in the early 1980s, but its writing style pays tribute to literature of the late 1800s that forever cemented the world’s love of gothic literature. If you enjoy the writing of the Brontë sisters or Daphne du Maurier, you may also find this one appealing. (Sarah Raymond)
Cuba Periodistas quotes writer Rosa Miriam Elizalde Zorrilla:
«Algunos amigos se asombran cuando les digo que mi libro preferido, que he leído varias veces y del cual creo haber visto todas sus versiones para el cine, es Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë; y que quizás algunos, despreciativamente, consideren “literatura para mujeres”. Fue la primera novela que leí y con la cual descubrí que hay verdades que solo se pueden contar y vivir a través de la ficción». (Liudmila Peña Herrera) (Translation)
'A Snapshot Of The Young Brontës’ World' on AnneBrontë.org.


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