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Tuesday, February 02, 2021

Tuesday, February 02, 2021 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
 Another recent book with Brontë-related content:
Edited by Luann McCracken Fletcher. Contributions by Brian de Ruiter; Crystie R. Deuter; Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins; Dori Griffen; Erin Katherine Kelly; Luann McCracken Fletcher, Holly-Gale Millette; Lance M. Neckar; Seth T.Reno; Gareth Roddy: Sarah Whitney and Linda Young
Rowman & Littefield, Decemer 2018
ISBN: 978-1-4985-8123-3

Literary Tourism and the British Isles: History, Imagination, and the Politics of Place explores literary tourism’s role in shaping how locations in the British-Irish Isles have been seen, historicized, and valued. Within its chapters, contributors approach these topics from vantage points such as feminism, cultural studies, geographic and mobilities paradigms, rural studies, ecosystems, philosophy of history, dark tourism, and marketing analyses. They examine guidebooks and travelogues; oral history, pseudo-history, and absent history; and literature that spans Renaissance drama to contemporary popular writers such as Dan Brown, Diana Gabaldon, and J.K. Rowling. Places discussed in the collection include “the West;” Wordsworth Country and Brontë Country; Stowe and Scotland; the Globe Theatre and its environs; Limehouse, Rosslyn Chapel, and the imaginary locations of the Harry Potter series. Taken as a whole, this collection illuminates some of the ways by which “the British Isles” have been created by literary and historical narratives, and, in turn, will continue to be seen as places of cultural importance by visitors, guidebooks, and site sponsors alike. 

The book  contains the chapter:

Chapter Five: Wild, Bleak Moors: Literary Landscaping and the Re-Ruralisation of “Brontë Country” by Bryonny Goodwin-Hawkins


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