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Monday, February 22, 2021

Monday, February 22, 2021 7:27 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Smart Bitches, Trashy Books gives Bella Ellis's The Diabolical Bones a B.
For me the real draw is the impeccable historical research. I have both personal feelings about the Brontës and a serious historical nerd obsession about them. Other than a few adjustments made for the sake of story which are acknowledged in the afterword (the mysteries, of course, are fictional) the characters and their personalities match my own research and reading experience. These books provide a real sense of place and a fond yet realistic look at the Brontë household and the sometimes close, sometimes contentious relationships between the siblings, their father, and their housekeeper, Tabby. I really enjoy spending this time with them and I recommend this for fans of historical and literary history and for fans of the Brontës in particular. (Carrie S)
This contributor to The Courier writes about what makes him an unpopular book club member.
But I just nitpick. I fixate upon small plot flaws and get hung up on what I see as inconsistencies. I waste everyone’s time with my quibbles.
For instance, in Jane Eyre Jane fails to recognise Mr Rochester (who she has lived with for several months and is falling in love with) who shows up pretending to be a fortune teller. She sits with him for what must be a half-hour conversation without seeing through his flimsy disguise. Perhaps she had gone temporarily blind. And deaf, as she doesn’t recognise his voice either. (Steve Finan)
Observer looks forward to the 'New Book Releases This Spring That You Don’t Want to Miss' and one of them is
In the Quick by Kate Hope Day (Random House, March 2) 
This past summer, the SpaceX flight to the International Space Shuttle offered a rare moment of wonder during an otherwise static year. For those more interested in life beyond Earth, In the Quick by Kate Hope Day (Random House, March 2) offers an escape. June is a brilliant young woman gifted with a knack for mechanical invention. A fascination with space exploration runs in the family. June’s uncle created the fuel cells for Inquiry, a spacecraft that went missing when she was twelve-years-old. Now an accomplished astronaut with a position as an engineer on a space station, June seeks out her late uncle’s protégée James who may help her unlock the reasons why the cells failed—and also find the missing ship and its crew. Romance ensues which tests the limits of human ingenuity and ambition. With echoes of Station Eleven, The Martian, and, yes, Jane Eyre, this is a gripping and unconventional novel with an unforgettable heroine. (Lauren LeBlanc)
The Sunday Puzzle on NPR was all about homophones:
SHORTZ: Do you know when the TV network has scheduled Jane blank to blank?
COPANS: Eyre to air.
Wuthering Heights 1939 has made it onto Le Figaro Étudiant's (France) list of 30 not-to-be-missed films from the years 1896-1939.
29. Les Hauts de Hurlevent, 1939
William Wyler (1902-1981)
La plus célèbre des adaptations du roman d’Emily Brontë. Laurence Olivier et Merle Oberon forment un couple inoubliable, qu’aucun successeur n’a égalé. (Jean-Paul Brighelli) (Translation)
The Telegraph does a Bloodlands episode 1 recap.
In a Heathcliff-esque moment, Tom’s long-submerged emotions finally erupted. Had he finally found his wife’s grave? (Michael Hogan)
DerbyshireLive lists 'Locations of famous films and TV shows that were shot in Derbyshire' including Jane Eyre adaptations. AnneBrontë.org has a post on Tabby.


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