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Sunday, January 24, 2021

The New York Times reviews Harold Bloom's late book The Bright Book of Life:
Nor do we understand why he is really more interested in Emily Brontë as a poet, wonderful as she is, than as the author of “Wuthering Heights,” or why of Charlotte Brontë’s “Jane Eyre” we hear practically nothing. (Robert Gottlieb)
The Delaware Gazette recommends Rachel Hawkins's The Wife Upstairs
Mild-mannered Jane cobbles together a living as a dog walker for the wealthy residents of Thornfield Estates, when an encounter with Eddie Rochester turns into a whirlwind romance. But plain Jane has a mysterious past…and so does everyone else in this upscale neighborhood. Loosely inspired by Jane Eyre, this domestic suspense novel features the twists and turns that fans of the genre expect. Perfect for fans of Liv Constantine and Louise Candlish. (Nicole Fowles)
Bright Lights Film Journal talks about Rebecca 2020:
With the narrator’s perfect first line – “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again” – the novel plunges into a turbulent nightmare of the unconscious, with all of its attendant Freudian undertows: Rebecca is a mad Gothic masterpiece. And with overtures toward Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847) and Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw (1898), Rebecca, a ghost story in search of its ghosts, interrogates and undermines our cultural codification of heteronormative domesticity and ancestral inheritance. (Wilson Taylor)
The Sunday Times publishes the results of the Clue writing contest 1846 Eyes Right:
What Rochester has lost Jane restores with this command
If you can see (so to speak) the right literary connection, you may realise that the clue is talking about Mr Rochester whose sight was lost in a fire, and his employee and later not quite his wife, Jane Eyre. If you “restore” SIGHT, EYRE you have the answer. But both parts of the anagram fodder are indirectly indicated, and as Jane does not restore his eyesight in the book, the story contradicts the context that you need to solve the clue. So this feels like a Times or Sunday Times clue that might have been printed in about the 1950s. In more modern clues, I’m reluctant about words like “restore” or “correct” as anagram indicators, as the answer is only the “correct” order of the anagram fodder after you know the answer.( Richard Biddlecombe)
The Link discusses the future of journalism:
In the beginning, there was an unsuspecting, ordinary hero. Thrust into an adventure, they meet a mentor, assemble allies, discover enemies and face numerous challenges along the way. After vanquishing the enemy in a decisive crisis, our hero returns home. Their adventures have transformed them, and they have gained insight, knowledge, or perhaps even a physical reward.
Sounds familiar? That’s because it is. This classic story trajectory is called the monomyth, or the hero’s journey. Joseph Campbell popularized the pattern in 1949, and it forms the backbone of many famous works such as Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and—perhaps most well-known—George Lucas’s Star Wars.  (Helen Gemmrich)
Financial Express (India) reviews the film Bulbbul:
 Filmmaker [Anvita] Dutt agrees, saying that, unlike history and most of the epics, which were written by men, women were the original storytellers for ghost stories. “Biology has nothing to do with intellect. Be it Margaret Atwood, Jo Walton, Daphne du Maurier, Sarah Perry, Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters, there are women writers who are heard and will continue to be heard,” she says. (Reya Behrotra)
Yeni Asıt (Turkey) explores women in literature:
Jane Eyre, yalnızca kadının erkek egemen toplumdaki konumuna gözü pek yaklaşımıyla değil, şiirsel duygusallığı çağdaş bir gerçekçilikle harmanla dığı anlatımıyla da öncü olmayı başarmış klasik bir başyapıttır. 19. yüzyıl İngiltere'sinde, her türlü tutuculuğun kol gezdiği Victoria döneminde geçen Jane Eyre, birçoklarınca kadın hak ve özgürlüklerine sahip çıkan ilk romanlardan biri olarak kabul edilir. Yazarı Charlotte Bronte'nin yaşamından izler de taşıyan roman, zorlu bir yaşam süren yapayalnız bir genç kızın güçlü bir kadına dönüşmesinin öyküsüdür. (Translation)
Hairdos against bad weather in El Correo (Spain):
Corona de trenzas. Como recién salidas de una novela de Emily Brönte (sic), las coronas de trenzas siempre tienen ese irresistible halo lánguido de las protagonistas de ‘Cumbres Borrascosas’ y son las favoritas de las mujeres de espíritu bohemio. (María Calvo) (Translation)
El Sol de Tampico (México) explores Juan Rulfo's influences:
 Se le ha querido encontrar influencia a la prosa de Rulfo con los grandes escritores como Faulkner, Prost, Joyce o Kafka; sin embargo, el apego a las supersticiones, a los mitos de aparecidos, a los veneros populares y a las descripciones marcadamente locales de paisajes fantasmales, hacen que la literatura rulfiana se acerque más a los autores nórdicos como Lagerlöff, Ramuz, Bjornson, Hamsun e, inclusive, con la Emily Brönte (sic) de “Cumbres Borrascosas”, en el tratamiento del amor fou –tan atrayente para los surrealistas franceses-. (Juan José González Mejía) (Translation)
Le Parisien (France) has an article on Augustin Trapenard mentioning, of course, his Brontëiteness:
cet agrégé d'anglais qui fut bouleversé, adolescent, par la lecture des « Hauts de Hurlevent», d'Emily Brontë. (Joséphine Lebard) (Translation)
Diacritk (France) reviews La Pensée Blanche by Lilian Thuram:
L’exemple donné de Maryse Condé est tout à fait éloquent. Elle a raconté comment la lecture des Hauts de Hurlevent l’avait transportée, adolescente et elle avait alors déclaré qu’elle serait romancière, prétention dont l’amie… noire… qui lui avait offert le roman s’était moquée : « Mais tu es folle ! Les gens comme nous n’écrivent pas ! » (147). On peut ajouter qu’elle a publié, en 1995, des Hauts de Hurlevent antillais, La Migration des cœurs. (Christiane Chaulet Achour) (Translation)

Mymovies (Italy) recommends Jane Eyre 1986, tonight on TV2000 (21.05 h). Yorkshire Live has a live feed of the snow over Yorkshire, including this stunning view of Brontë country.


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