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Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Guardian has a lovely, lengthy article on the longest-running soap opera in the world: The Archers on BBC Radio 4.
When [former showrunner, Sean] O’Connor came to edit the show himself, from 2013-16, there was more creative plundering from the English novel. He put the Archers family and Brookfield at the centre of the action, because: “That’s your Wuthering Heights, your Thornfield, your Mansfield Park, and you need to fight over that.” (Charlotte Higgins)
Tor recommends '23 Modern SFF Twists on Classic Stories', including
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia (June 30, 2020)
A retelling of: Every crumbling, haunted, Gothic house tale
For fans of The Turn of the Screw or Wuthering Heights, Silvia Moreno-Garcia has crafted a Gothic Funhouse of a novel that plays with beloved Victorian Gothic tropes. You’ve got a big old decaying mansion, a socialite in a big fancy dress, potential poisonings, screaming ghosts, dark secrets. What more could you ask for? (Christina Orlando and Leah Schnelbach)
The Daily Iowan discusses fan fiction and plays with umlauts.
Definitions of fanfiction range far and wide. Stecopoulos defines it as when people who are passionate about a novel — though it can pertain to other media — write a story so certain plot possibilities can come true. There’s “highbrow” fanfiction, he said, including Jean Rhys’ rewriting Charlottë  [sic] Bronte’s “Jane Eyre” as “Wide Sargasso Sea.” Then there’s user-generated content uploaded to Wattpad, he said, such as fans writing fictitious Harry Potter spinoffs. (Madison Lotenschtein)
Book Riot lists some stories that need adapting to the screen after The Haunting of Bly Manor.
Where should any follow ups to this season glean their inspiration from now? Sure, there is a wealth of possibility in the realm of “classic” gothic literature, perhaps Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, or even Wilkie Collins’ Woman in White. But…why confine ourselves to this small subset of literature? Why not explore the tragic haunting of other voices, cultures, perspectives? Ghost stories can be love stories can be fantasy stories can be stories of loss and longing and, even, hope. And a good creepy haunting tale isn’t reserved only for the late 18th century. (Alya Hameed)
Trendencias (Spain) lists classic adaptations to watch over the Christmas holidays, including both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.
Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë
Como pasa con todas las obras anteriormente mencionadas, Jane Eyre se ha llevado a la gran pantalla en numerosas ocasiones. Si tuviésemos que quedarnos con una, apostamos por la magistral interpretación de Mia Wasikowska y Michael Fassbender en 2011. .
Cumbres borrascosas, Emily Brontë
Cumbres Borrascosas, de Emily Brontë, una de las tres hermanas Brontë, contiene la quintaesencia de la novela romántica inglesa decimonónica.
En sus páginas se suceden los amores apasionados limítrofes con el incesto, los odios agriados que se prolongan durante generaciones, los celos, las apariciones espectrales y las tormentas, todo ello narrado con una fuerza y un brillante retrato de personajes que la han convertido en un clásico imperecedero. (Marta Díaz de Santos) (Translation)
El Español (Spain) paraphrases Charlotte Brontë in the times of streaming platforms.
Si Charlotte Brontë escribió en Jane Eyre que la vida le parecía demasiado corta para perderla alimentando animosidad o recordando los errores de los otros, nosotros pensamos que es demasiado corta como para estar buscando durante horas qué ver en la interfaz de tu plataforma para al final acabar apagando la televisión. (Translation)
A contributor to La silla rota (Mexico) writes about reading literature by women during lockdown, including Wuthering Heights.


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