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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 1:17 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A recent scholar paper exploring syntax in Jane Eyre:
Syntactic Analysis of Sentence Adverbials Observed in the Victorian Novel Jane Eyre
Eva Leláková and Andrea Belúchová
Department of English Language and Literature
Faculty of Humanities, University of Žilina, Žilina, Slovakia
Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Volume 11. Number2 June 2020

The sentence structure complexity and clause positioning (Staveley, 2013) represent the striking features of the writing style of the 19th-century British fiction writers. The present syntactic study brings detailed quantitative and qualitative syntactic analyses of peripheral sentence elements, sentence (stance) adverbials, occurring in the Victorian novel Jane Eyre (1847), and offers their classification into style and content disjuncts. As the latter ones are generally employed by fiction in the novels’ dialogues and main characters’ reflections (Biber, 1999), the research questions focus predominantly on their function and frequency of use. Content disjuncts help to express the possibility or the doubt of the utterance and explain the outcome of the actions and events happening in the story. The research outcomes have confirmed that content disjuncts considerably contribute to understanding the writing style of Charlotte Brontë. This phenomenon can be further studied and developed in the syntactic analyses of other remarkable 19th century novels and novelists. The research results will find their application not only in the theory a syntax but also in the process of teaching/learning English as a foreign language.


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