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Thursday, June 18, 2020

Taipei Times reviews the book Victorian Contagion: Risk and Social Control in the Victorian Literary Imagination by Chung-jen Chen.
As for Gaskell, the author points out by reference to two of her letters (on which he lays great emphasis) that when she first met her fellow novelist Charlotte Brontë, whose biography she was to write, her emphasis was on the order and cleanliness of her home rather than her personal appearance. (Bradley Winterton)
Bookselling This Week interviews writer Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of Mexican Gothic.
BTW: Noemí and her cousin Catalina repeatedly reference Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, in addition to fairy tales, like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Why did you decide to incorporate these aspects? SMG: Because I was interested in the cultural legacy of Mexico, and specifically in this town, in these British mining operations. It’s not the only place in Mexico that had, and has still, European mining operations going on. At first, this one was mined by the Spanish and then it was mined by the British. And I was just interested in seeing what happens when somebody comes in from another part of the world and begins exploring the local resources, the local population. Normally, they just leave when the resources run out or something doesn’t go right, when a war or conflict interferes. But the scars that that leaves are great. Mexico and all of Latin America have systematically been plundered for decades in one way or another by foreign powers, so this was just one part of that plundering.
I think most people know that there was a Spanish Conquest. I think they think that once there was a war of independence [but] in all of Latin America, things didn’t just end in 1800, where everyone was free and happy and nothing bad ever happened again. After the revolutionary movements in Mexico and other countries, it’s not like everybody just shakes hands and goes on their merry ways. It kept going on, and sometimes one power is substituted for another power, one colonial power takes over another one.
Io Donna (Italy) recommends the book Skyline by Annalisa Bruni, which includes a short story titled Eyre vs Brontë.
Eyre vs Brontë
Eyre vs Brontë, il racconto scelto per aprire la raccolta, da solo vale tutto il libro: la protagonista Jane Eyre si ribella al destino scelto dalla scrittrice Charlotte Brontë. In un’aula di tribunale Jane fa valere le sue ragioni. Ma perde perché, come conclude Annalisa Bruni, veneziana d’origine, «il destino dei personaggi di carta è come quello degli uomini: non cambia». (Michaela K. Bellisario) (Translation)
Betevé (in Catalan) features the new play by Carme Portaceli (who directed a stage production of Jane Eyre), No passa cada dia que algú ens necessiti (de fet no és gens habitual que algú ens necessiti).
 L’obra recupera textos escrits en temps de pandèmia i recull les paraules escrites per molts autors i autores que s’han preguntat i han sentit el mateix que nosaltres ara: des de Shakespeare fins a un Daniel Defoe que retrata el pas de la pesta per Londres el 1722; des d’Ibsen fins a un Camús que es pregunta com se salvarà la humanitat de l’absurd existencial, passant per Caryl Churchill; des de Charlotte Brontë fins al dramaturg alemany Roland Schimmelpfennig, que ens parla en un article escrit en confinament sobre un home que tus i alguna cosa més, passant per la polonesa Magda Fertacz, o des d’Isabel Allende fins a Oscar Wilde. (Josep París) (Translation)
El Cultural (Spain) interviews French writer Marie Gauthier.
P. ¿Qué otros referentes literarios tiene? R. Hay un guiño a Stendhal en el libro. Proust es otro de los autores importantes para mí. También están todos los demás que amo, que necesito, que me hacen feliz solo porque existen sus libros, en los que me gusta pensar y recargar mi energía, como Charlotte Brontë o Flaubert. (Marta Ailouti) (Translation)
Spokesman includes Emily Brontë (or Bronté as they spell it) on a list of '12 female writers who are worthy of adoration'.
Emily Bronté [sic]: Although she remains one of the most famous authors in the English language, Emily Bronté only ever wrote one novel: “Wuthering Heights.” Widely regarded as the quintessential gothic romance novel, the work is a celebrated and controversial classic. Bronté’s sisters, Charlotte, and, to a lesser extent, Anne, are likewise revered for their contributions to literature. (Stephanie Hammett and Julien A. Luebbers)
While India Today recommends '10 books by women authors that will leave you craving for more', including
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Brontë published Jane Eyre under the pen name Currer Bell. The novel is about a young orphaned girl, who takes up the post of a governess at Thornfield, and falls in love with the master of the house, Mr Rochester, only to discover his dark secret. With this story, Brontë tries to create a strong woman who speaks her mind.
And according to YourTango both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights are among the most important 'Relationship Books' to read in your 20s.
3. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
In this novel, Jane Eyre becomes the inspiration for women to become independent. As an orphan, Jane Eyre gains sensibility and learns more about herself more.
4. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
This novel is another one that tries to work through the idea of marrying for love or marrying for social status. (Emily Francos)
A contributor to SheKnows writes about her father who
is a total Anglophile when it comes to literature, and his copies of Brontë sister and Jane Austen novels are what made me an English major. (Sabrina Rojas Weiss)


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