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Saturday, September 07, 2019

Saturday, September 07, 2019 2:28 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Wharfedale & Aireborough Observer presents a walk through the Haworth moors:
Penistone Hill is only a very short (but steep!) walk from Haworth, the home of the Brontë sisters. Penistone itself is an interesting place to explore but this walk is much improved by extending it on to the wild moors that so inspired the writings of the three sisters.
Park in one of the car parks in Haworth and head towards the church and Brontë Parsonage. It is worth visiting the Parsonage before the walk to gain a feel for the tough lifestyle of the times. In turn this will bring a greater appreciation to the walk. The path heads up the south side of St Michael and All Angels Church, an impressive building where the father of the Brontë sisters was reverend for 41 years. Beyond the church the path bears left for 200 metres, passing a car park on the left. After 200m take the signed lane to the right which climbs steeply for a further 25o metres before meeting a minor road. Cross the road and take the footpath heading south west. (Jonathan Smith)
Scroll.in summarises a classroom reading of Wuthering Heights exposing once more the supine stupidity of 'trigger warnings'
How some students proved to their teacher they don’t need protection from troubling literature
Notes from a literature classroom reading ‘Wuthering Heights’ without caring for #triggerwarnings.
In our “Corporeality and Desire” literature class this week, we discussed Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, a novel that returned to social media conversations over the last couple of years with a stigma conferred by 21st century high-moral talking-heads – being called upon to be banned in literature classes as a #_____ novel, or at least to be appended with a “trigger warning”. The text is in our reading list for the course (perhaps an incendiary list for ban-and-trigger hashtaggers).
I was not really surprised by our class discussion; it confirmed my steady suspicion that students can, and do, rise above ridiculous censoring and infantilising strictures sought to be imposed upon them for “their own good”, and produce responses and readings that would shame those who wish to “protect” them from life’s fearful asymmetries. To be protected in such a way – how patriarchal, ironically enough! – is surely not what they have come to literature for. (Brinda Bose)
As we quoted some time ago "trigger warnings are the intellectual equivalent of refusing vaccinations".

The Hindustan Times's Word of the Week is paracosm:
It is said that famous writers like Emily Brontë, James M Barrie, and Isak Dinesen created their widely read paracosms after the deaths in their childhoods of family members who were close to them. (Shashi Taroor)
Campaign asks Sarah Douglas, AMV for her summer box-set binge:
My Brilliant Friend
The point of enduring storytelling has changed little since Chaucer – to transport you in place and time and create an expansive, enjoyable fracture with your own reality, be it on a horseback pilgrimage to Canterbury or otherwise – and Elena Ferrante is the modern mistress. A 21st-century Brontë. Spend the weekend in 1950s Naples. It’s a masterclass. Alternatively, go see it at the National (shameless plug for my own brilliant friend, who is a cast member).
We read in The London Post:
Ahead of International Literacy Day, 8th September, leading sofa and carpet specialist ScS, has unearthed Londoner’s reading habits, from their favourite books, which genre they want to snuggle up with on the sofa to read, to which author they’d love to meet.  
The top 10 authors Brits would most like to meet includes the Brontë Sisters.

The Leeds Tab gives supposedly funny reasons for having chosen a degree:
English Lit
This one's for all you VSCO girls. Everyone knows you envisioned your time at uni perched in the library with a pastel highlighted copy of "Wuthering Heights", your sun bleached hair tucked carefully behind your ear, subtly revealing your Airpod which is probably playing Harry Styles' "Sweet Creature." You're all about the aesthetic, and choosing this degree was all about getting those artsy stationary snaps for social media.
Oh, and for the guys – you don't exist on this course. (Evie Buller)
Cinevue reviews the film The Domain by Tiago Guedes:
It’s a beautiful if harsh prologue to a film which is part-Giant, part-Wuthering Heights. Joao Fernandez (Albano Jeronimo) will grow up to be a handsome young prince with sideburns that could trip up any beauty, plus a powerful physique made for riding horses and gracing sports cars. (John Bleasdale)
Radio X lists books that inspired musicians:
 Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
One of the most famous literary-influenced pop songs, young Kate’s adaptation of Emily Brontë’s dark romance from 1847 made the UK Number One spot in 1978. Kate chose the song because she realised that she shared a birthday with the writer: 30 July.
Motherdistracted comments on one of the many favourite-book-lists that are published regularly:
Which of these have you read? What books do you think should have been on the list?
For me, Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, George Elliot’s Middlemarch and Charles Dicken’s David Copperfield should be there. But what about the works of Jane Austen, or Charlotte Brontë?
The Telegraph & Argus publishes a story tangentially related to the Brontë Parsonage Museum, as an employee of the Museum cheated the taxpayer out by failing to declare that her health had improved and that she was in paid work. The Telegraph lists the great opening lines in literature including Jane Eyre.

Der Tagesspiegel (Germany) talks about Ezra Furman's latest work which in a way pays tribute to Anne Carson's The Glass Essay:
In ihrem „Glass Essay“ beschreibt sie eine Serie von zwölf Visionen, die sie während des intensiven Studiums der Brontë-Schwestern jeden Morgen erreichen, die sie „Nudes“ nennt, Aktbilder ihrer Seele. Furman ist ein großer Bewunderer von Carson, sein Album versucht mit den Mitteln des Punk die raue Schönheit ihrer Sprache zu berühren. Es ist schnell aufgenommen, dicht und karg. (Fabian Woff) (Translation)
Affaritaliani (Italy) reviews Morgana by Michela Murgia and Chiara Tagliaferri
E nell’odierno ai giovani, ai ragazzi, alle ragazze, agli adulti forse “Morgana” conduce il pensiero a comprendere quanto sia grande la libertà e immensa la responsabilità di saperle gestire. Giustappunto, Charlotte, una delle sorelle Brontë “rivendica la sua libertà e la sua indipendenza con ironia e chiarezza, sena timore del giudizio che susciterà” (p. 84). (Alessandra Peluso) (Translation)
Periodico Daily (Italy) reviews a recent concert at La Scala in Milan. Talking about a performance of Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique:
Con Berlioz si è entrati nel romanticismo più appassionato, con la Symphonie fantastique dove Metha ha diretto con assoluta naturalezza una sinfonia composta dal musicista in un momento molto particolare della sua vita. La leggenda narra infatti che la composizione fu dedicata all’amore travolgente del musicista per un’attrice, nato dopo averla vista recitare come Ofelia in Amleto e Giulietta in Romeo e Giulietta. Shakespeare fa sempre innamorare, non c’è che dire! Ne viene fuori un momento di “disperazione romantica”, con tanto di campane a morte che suonano lugubri verso la fine della sinfonia. Campane per sottolineare forse, come scriveva Emily Brontë in Cime Tempestose, per fare un parallelismo che mi ha fatto tornare indietro di anni: “Io gli ho dato il mio cuore, e lui lo ha preso e lo ha stretto crudelmente fino a ucciderlo“. (Lucilla Continenza) (Translation)
La Voz de Galicia (Spain) lists classic novels you should read:
Nuestro jurado corona, aparte de las citadas, al Quijote (1605), de Cervantes, Anna Karénina (1877), de Tolstói, Crimen y Castigo (1866), de Dostoievski, y las Cumbres borrascosas (1847) a las que nos eleva el fuego de Emily Brontë. (Ana Abelenda) (Translation)
Estadão (Brazil) quotes Marcel Camus on Emily Brontë. Libros Adicta (in Spanish) reviews Jane Eyre.


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