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Saturday, May 25, 2019

Saturday, May 25, 2019 12:53 pm by M. in , , , , , , ,    No comments
More Stranger Things-Brontë connections. This time through Detective Hopper and on SyFy Wire:
Detective Hopper (David Harbour) had a bit of a rough start. I’ve been known to be into Men Who Brood (I blame each and every Brontë sister), but running on pills and booze isn’t a great look. However, a rediscovered purpose, a shower, and a pack of children to care about does wonders for a man. Despite being longtime anti-daddy, something around Episode 4 changed in my heart. This is a man who shares my affinity for flannel and the belief that mornings are for coffee and contemplation. Consider me a daddy convert. (Alyssa Fikse)
The Times reviews the Chelsea Flower Show 2019. Concerning Mark Gregory’s Welcome to Yorkshire garden:
A gold-medal winner, Mark Gregory’s Welcome to Yorkshire garden showed one of Chelsea’s age-old “pictorial” gardens, a scene of dripping canal gates overlooked by a lock-keeper’s cottage, and everything awash with wildflowers, escapee lupins and camassias. It’s not every year you see ragged robin and clover at Chelsea. (...)
Green apart, a few colour schemes kept reappearing, especially that appealing mix of creamy apricot and pale pink, like you see in the rose ‘Phyllis Bide’. David Austin’s Roses pulled it off by planting as companions the apricot ‘Roald Dahl’ beside pink ‘Emily Brontë’, and it was delicious. (Stephen Anderton)
The Hollywood Reporter interviews Ruth Wilson who says
A lot of my characters have sort of had that really extraordinary inner monologue and inner emotional landscape going on. Whether it's Alison Bailey [on The Affair] or Jane Eyre, I think that memoir in a way made me understand women like that. She's sort of been within my life a lot more than I realized. (Suzy Evans)
The Telegraph & Argus mentions briefly those plans of a Jane Eyre film with Chinese money:
Bradford City of Film hosted the Secretary-General of the China Film Association along with a delegation of Chinese film producers and directors to events in London and Bradford in 2018, and a delegation from Bradford attended the Golden Rooster Film Festival, China’s largest film gala. Bradford City of Film also plans to work with the Chinese film industry on a re-working of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. (Emma Clayton)
Crunchyroll recalls the New Wuthering Heights Naruyoshi Kikuchi composition for the anime Lupin the Third (2012):
One of its other major departures was the music, with veteral Lupin composer Yuji Ohno sitting this series out. (He is, of course, back in full force with newer series!) Watanabe was at the reins as music producer, and jazz musician Naruyoshi Kikuchi stepped in as composer. You may have heard his saxophone stylings in .hack//Legend of the Twilight and Trigun prior to his work as a composer (which now includes the ONA Gundam Thunderbolt).
The result was an evocative bag of mixed musical elements, from the spoken-word "New Wuthering Heights" to the sax-heavy ending theme "Duty Friend". (Kara Dennison)
Les Nouvelles News (in French), The Hindu and Grazia review the film Portrait de la jeune fille en feu, seen in Cannes:
Alors oui, il y a du sexe dans ce « Portrait… » Mais il y a beaucoup plus : du désir, des sentiments, des jeunes filles en robes arpentant des falaises battues par le vent, des souvenirs des films de Jane Campion, des livres de Charlotte Brontë, tout un univers que la réalisatrice sait moderniser à travers une histoire d’amour passionnelle et empêchée. (Valérie Ganne) (Translation)
Wuthering Heights and Jane Campion’s The Piano (which won the Palme in a tie with Chen Kaige’s Farewell My Concubine in 1993) were inspirations in terms of the setting —“the beautiful yet hostile environment”. (Namrata Joshi)
Héloïse se dérobe d'abord, invisible, fantomatique, dans un décor (un bout de littoral breton venteux) qui pose un cadre de roman gothique, façon Les Hauts de Hurlevent. (Léo Soesanto) (Translation)
Valeurs Actuelles (France) reviews the recent biography Les Brontë by Jean-Pierre Ohl:
Charlotte ( Jane Eyre), l’aînée des Brontë, a survécu à Emily ( les Hauts de Hurlevent), à Anne ( Agnes Grey) et à leur frère, Branwell. C’est principalement à travers son regard que nous connaissons la famille - elle s’est en son temps confiée à la romancière Elizabeth Gaskell, auteur de la première biographie de Charlotte. Le temps a passé, les lectures de Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Julien Green, Cioran ( « Tout ce qui émane d’Emily a la propriété de me bouleverser ») ont fait le reste : Emily et Anne ont été réévaluées à la hausse. Jean-Pierre Ohl restitue l’histoire des enfants du pasteur Brontë, fratrie unique, incomparable (sauf aux Powys) dans l’histoire de l’art. (Olivier Maulin) (Translation)
Búsqueda (Uruguay) quotes the writer Carmen Posadas:
Un guionista de culebrones me explicó un día que hay dos argumentos clásicos que pueden plagiarse hasta la náusea y siempre funcionan. Uno es El conde de Montecristo (...) El otro argumento, más exitoso e infalible aún, es el de la Cenicienta. Cenicienta son, por ejemplo, Pretty woman, también Betty la fea, o la protagonista de Cincuenta sombras de Grey, así como incontables heroínas de novela rosa. Pero tampoco la gran literatura está falta de Cenicientas, porque qué otra cosa son, si no, las protagonistas de Orgullo y prejuicio, Sentido y sensibilidad o Jane Eyre.  (Translation)
Benzine (France) talks about the musical evolution of singer-songwriter Baptiste W. Hamon
Avec Baptiste W(alker) Hamon, c’est le cheminement d’un homme vers l’âge adulte, la lente évolution d’un humain qui se construit. Il fallait bien quitter l’enfance dans la première étape de sa discographie.Soleil Soleil Bleu entre en adolescence, le temps des amoureux transis. On entend encore une fois cette volonté à vouloir se faire rencontrer les Hauts de Hurlevent, la Lone Star d’Abilene et une belle langue française. (Greg Bod) (Translation)
In La Voz de Galicia, a Tinder-like app for cows and Jane Eyre:
Lo que puede pasar con estas nuevas parejas lo ha contado Rosamund Young en el libro La vida secreta de las vacas (Seix Barral). Esta mujer regenta la granja familiar Kite’s Nest, junto con su pareja Gareth y su hermano Richard, que está cerca de Worcestershire [en el centro de Inglaterra]. Lleva más de 40 años entre marelas a las que llama Dolly, Dolly II, Anne, Helen, Stephanie, Olivia o Jane Eyre [«huérfana al nacer»]. (Rodri García) (Translation)
Books with Noel reviews the Jane Eyre Manga edition. The Curious Reader explores if Heathcliff is a villain or a victim.


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