Today is the day, July 30, the 200th anniversary of Emily Brontë.
At the Parsonage:
Emily Speaks
Guest Curator Melanie Abrahams presents 'Emily Speaks'.
July 30th 2018 02:00pm - 04:00pm
Join us on Emily’s birthday to hear personal responses to Emily Brontë’s life, poetry and prose. Bidisha, Hannah Lowe and Melanie Abrahams, whose work spans journalism, poetry and oratory, and who share a common interest in social mobilisation through literature, explore Emily’s independence and self-determination in relation to the broader racial, cultural and social histories of the mid-nineteenth century
What Emily Means to Us
A celebration of Emily Brontë at 200
July 30th 2018 07:30pm - 10:00pm
We’re rounding off Emily’s birthday weekend with a celebration of her work and legacy. Join a stellar line-up of Lily Cole, Patience Agbabi and an array of other special guests as they perform readings of Emily’s work and share their responses to the words ‘what Emily means to me’. We will also be joined by The Unthanks, who will announce details of their forthcoming Emily-inspired work and give a short performance from their repertoire.
This tribute to the astonishing creative mind behind Wuthering Heights and some of the most evocative and moving poetry in literature, set against the stunning landscape that so inspired her, promises to be an evening to remember.
In Carmel. IN, you can be Brontë-fied:
The Carmel Clay Public Library will host several events to celebrate the 200th birthday of author Emily Brontë. She was best known for her classic novel, “Wuthering Heights.”
The events will include a discussion of the book and showing of “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë July 19; a discussion of the book and showing of “Wuthering Heights” July 27; and an event called “Celebrating Emily” July 30 (7.00PM)
“We’re celebrating all things Emily Brontë with Dr. Joyce Huff, professor of Victorian and Gothic Literature at Ball State University and Brontë expert,” Crockett said. “She will lead us down the fascinating road that was Emily’s life and literature, the impact of ‘Wuthering Heights,’ and the complex nature that defined the Victorian age. Dr. Huff is known for her energy and enthusiasm, and her wealth of knowledge will be welcomed by anyone interested in history, British literature, feminism and, of course, the Brontë family.” (Renee Larr in You Are Current)
In Gates Mills, OH:
It's a Brontë Party!
Cuyahoga Public Library. Gates Mills Branch
Monday, July 30
2:00pm - 3:00pm
Celebrate the 200th birthday of Emily Brontë, author of Wuthering Heights, with tea, parlor games, and poetry. (Via Chagrin Valley Today)
In Copenhagen, Denmark:
A complete series of movies and events Emily Brontë-related:
Emily Brontë 200 ÅrStormfulde Højder – Spejlet I Seks Temperamenter
Cinemateketet, Copenhagen
July 30, 18.00 h
Concert: Wuthering Heights
På Kate Bushs 60 års fødselsdag inviterer vi til en unik 'Wuthering Heights'-koncert tilsat billeder fra film- og kunsthistorien. Den britiske sangerinde og guitarist Ana Silvera har lavet soloalbummene ‘The Aviary’ (2012), ‘Arcana’ (2017) og er netop nu aktuel med ’Oracles’ (2018), der var nomineret til årets British Composer Award.
Den 30. juli kl. 18.00 leverer hun både egne sange og stemningsfulde fortolkninger af Kate Bush-perler, herunder naturligvis den hvirvlende single ’Wuthering Heights’, der med et trylleslag gjorde den dengang 19-årige Kate Bush verdensberømt.
19.30 h
Wuthering Heights 2011 (also August 11, 21.00 h)
July 31 and August 3, 19.00 h
Wuthering Heights 1939. Introduced by Donald Spoto (only July 31)
August 2, 21.15 h
Abismos de Pasión 1954 (also August 25)
August 3. 21. 15 h
Lyttebiograf: Bernard Herrmanns Wuthering Heights
August 4, 18.45 h
Hurlevent 1985

On the
flower-ed Facebook Wall:
Bicentenario di Emily Brontë
Incontro con Sara Staffolani
Monday, July 30 at 3 PM - 5 PM
Il vento della brughiera soffia forte, agitando i fiori purpurei nell’aria umida di un temporale in arrivo. Accompagnata dal suo cane, una giovane donna cammina con passo sicuro: a disagio in ogni altro luogo, appartiene completamente a quella natura, aspra e spontanea come lei. La seguiamo tra le vie delle lande ululanti, ispirazione per i suoi versi immortali e per il suo capolavoro, "Cime tempestose": è Emily Brontë, la più libera e indomita delle sorelle. Pagina dopo pagina, questa biografia ci mostra tutto di lei, esplorando i legami e le tragedie familiari, la diffidenza verso il mondo esterno e l’amore per gli animali, i progetti per il futuro e il grande talento letterario, dalla sua infanzia fino alla malattia e alla morte prematura. In occasione del Bicentenario della nascita di Emily Brontë (Thornton, 30 luglio 1818-Haworth, 19 dicembre 1848), il nostro vuole essere un tributo, un ringraziamento, una rassicurazione: perché Emily, nella sua solitudine e nella sua introspezione creativa, ha raggiunto i cuori di moltissimi lettori, che continuano a leggere i suoi appunti, le sue poesie e il suo romanzo, e che a distanza di duecento anni sentono ancora vicina come una cara amica. Parleremo di lei insieme a Sara Staffolani, autrice della biografia italiana "È questo il tempo di sognare. Vita e opere di Emily Brontë".
Per permettere a tutti di partecipare, l'incontro letterario si terrà su Facebook, in questo evento.
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