Saddleworth Independent presents a local production of Blake Morrison's
We Are Three Sisters in Delph, Oldham:
Yorkshire's most famous literary family, the Brontë’s, provide the inspiration for Blake Morrison’s play ‘We are Three Sisters’ at the Millgate Arts Centre from June 2-9. (...)
Saddleworth Players’ production of ‘We are Three Sisters’ is directed by Carol Davies.
The cast includes Maye Battersby (Emily Brontë), Kate Davies (Charlotte Brontë), Esther Weetman (Anne Brontë), Samuel Reid (Branwell Brontë), Lisa Kay (Tabby), Verity Mann (Lydia Robinson), John Weetman (Patrick Brontë), Sam Rowlands (The Curate), James McKeane (The Doctor), and Martin Taylor (The Teacher).
They will perform at the Millgate Arts Centre, Delph, from June 2-9.
Tickets can be purchased online at: or call the Millgate Arts Centre box office: 01457 874644 (Tuesdays 2pm – 5pm, Wednesday & Thursday 2pm – 7pm and Fridays & Saturdays 9:30am – 1pm), or from Delph Library, Millgate, Delph, Oldham OL3 5JG. (Trevor Baxter)
Keighley News' Country walks recommends an Emily Brontë walk:
This walk lets you follow in the footsteps of the Brontë sisters to the reputed setting for Emily Brontë’s world-famo us novel Wuthering Heights.
Start your walk across the renowned moors from Penistone Hill car park on Oxenhope-Stanbury road (Moor Side Lane) a mile west of village.
Crossing straight over the road, a path runs the short way to a kissing-gate in a fence and heads across Haworth Moor.
After an early moist section a good path bears very gently right to merge into a wallside track.
Continue along past ruinous Far Intake, narrowing into a path as the moor opens out.
The wall drops away and your now rougher path slants down to Brontë Bridge on South Dean Beck. Just before it is the seat-shaped stone known as Brontë Chair.
Across the bridge take the steep path climbing away, through an old wall to a kissing-gate in a fence.
Here the path forks: go left, slanting up, part flagged, through old walls to a sturdy wall.
The path now runs left on a level stroll parallel with the beck below.
Through a stile at the end you pass along the base of a lush sheep pasture, and at the end a kissing-gate puts you back onto moorland.
The left-hand wall drops away and your path runs grandly on.
Just before the path curves right to stepping-stones on a sidestream, note a guidepost sending a thinner path doubling back left: this will be your return route.
For now keep on to a confluence, across which commence a part-flagged climb towards Top Withins.
The path meets the flagged Pennine Way at a meagre ruin, turning left for two minutes to rise to Top Withins, regarded as the Earnshaw home in Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights’.
Retrace steps to the guidepost shortly after the streamlet, and bear right on a lesser path between the main path and the stream.
This quickly arrives at two footbridges. (...) (Jim Seton)
A particular Pennine Way walker is featured on
Ultrarunner Dave Stevens is currently 68 miles into his attempt on the Pennine Way record. (...)
grough caught up with the runner on the Brontë moors in West Yorkshire mid-afternoon where he was being accompanied by local runner Gary Chapman after completing part of the route solo.
He was in good spirits and looked comfortable, setting a pace slightly ahead of his anticipated timings, though he said he wasn’t going to go push things too hard. “After all, it’s 10 marathons,” he said. (Bob Smith)
WBRC Fox 6 News recommends free books for Kindle:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Just because one Brontë is not enough. Wuthering Heights is set in the stormy moors of England during the early 1800s and centered on a love that is disturbingly fierce and vividly dark. It’s told through a series of flashbacks recorded in a diary, chronicling Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff’s inseparable childhood and the ensuing turbulent, and vengeful, events that violently whittle away at a love doomed from the beginning. Despite being her first and only novel, Brontë’s prose is fluid and poetic, draped in lucid descriptions of the moorland and the characters who call it home. (Simon Hill)
The Times reviews
Girl With Dove: A Life Built by Books by Bayley
I liked it, because I was captivated by Sally Bayley’s poetic light touch and could see how a girl like her needed Jane Eyre (book and character) to guide her through her confusing childhood in an unstable household on the Sussex coast with green mould lining the bath.
Thanks to the guidance of three beloved fictional characters — Jane Eyre, Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple and Peggotty in David Copperfield — who came alive in her imagination, young Sally negotiated her way through the jungle of her childhood to the point where she knew she must escape. She put herself into care at the age of 14; the blurb tells us that she was the first person from the West Sussex county council care system to study at university. She’s now a research fellow at the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford. (Ysenda Maxtone Graham)
Metro has a top ten Yorkshire outings:
The Brontë Parsonage Museum in the beautiful village of Haworth, West Yorkshire honours the Brontë sisters. The Brontë Society, one of the oldest literary societies in the world, maintains the museum, which includes a precious collection of manuscripts, letters, poetry and early editions of Brontë novels. (Sam Ramsden)
The Guardian reviews the latest film by Jia Zhang-Ke,
Ash is Purest White, seen in Cannes 2018:
And have Bin and Qiao been burned and tempered and purified by life’s fire? Not quite. They seem to be an ashy, mucky grey. Their life together in this final act has a kind of tragic melancholy. Hard-drinking, hard-living Bin is now a stroke survivor using a wheelchair — a greatly reduced figure, like a malevolent version of Mr Rochester in Jane Eyre, but quite without the redemptive experience of love. (Peter Bradshaw)
Former clergymen's houses in
The Times:
Part of the appeal may lie in the literary connections of the rectory, vicarage or the humbler parsonage. Jane Austen sketched the first drafts of Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility in Steventon Rectory, her family home, in Hampshire. The Brontë sisters wrote most of their novels at the parsonage in Haworth, West Yorkshire, where they lived. The Old Vicarage, in Grantchester, Cambridge, a late 17th-century house, inspired the most famous poem by Rupert Brooke. The house now belongs to Jeffrey Archer, the novelist, and his wife, Mary, a scientist. (Anne Ashworth)
The Rumpus and books to celebrate feminism:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
Initially published under the pseudonym Currer Bell in 1847, Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre erupted onto the English literary scene, immediately winning the devotion of many of the world’s most renowned writers, including William Makepeace Thackeray, who declared it a work “of great genius.” Widely regarded as a revolutionary novel, Brontë’s masterpiece introduced the world to a radical new type of heroine, one whose defiant virtue and moral courage departed sharply from the more acquiescent and malleable female characters of the day. Passionate, dramatic, and surprisingly modern, Jane Eyre endures as one of the world’s most beloved novels.
Artforum reviews the Berlin exhibition
The drapes were light by Cozima zu Knypshausen:
Unless the artist dresses like Jane Eyre, Self-Portrait with Hanna exacerbates this element of fantasy, situating the works in a collapsed temporality where past and present are simultaneously repaired and critiqued. (Kristian Vistrup Madsen)
The Times of Israel explains the story of the poet Isaac Rosenberg who is among the honoured poets at the Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey:
In the south transept of Westminster Abbey — the imposing Gothic church in central London where Britain has crowned and buried its monarchs since 1066 — lies Poets’ Corner.
It commemorates many of the nation’s most revered and beloved playwrights, writers and poets — men and women such as William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and the Brontë sisters.
The Irish Times talks about the late writer Nuala O'Faolain :
She read everything she could get her hands on: Anton Chekhov, John Keats, James Joyce, Franz Kaf ka, Jean Racine, Emily Brontë, Robert Lowell, T.S. Elliot, William Shakespeare, Yasunari Kawabata, Marcel Proust. That imaginary world which was her escape in childhood was now the centre of her intellectual life. (June Caldwell)
A new revisitation of Albert Camus's
The Plague in
The Toronto Star: Kevin Chong's
The Plague:
The best known examples of classics revisited have offered new interpretations of their originals from previously marginal points of view. Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys expanded on the story of Jane Eyre by making the mad woman in the attic the protagonist. (Alex Good)
A Coventry Bears rugby game in
Coventry Observer:
At which point it seemed things could not get worse, but the second half was as bleak and unforgiving as the nearby setting of Wuthering Heights as the home side scored a whole procession of tries, with the Bears unable to find any meaningful reply. (Craig Gibbons)
Belper News reviews the film
The love affair is intoxicating and powerfully elemental. Reminiscent of Andrea Arnold’s Wuthering Heights, the connection between Moll and Pascal is grounded in the earth, water and air with naturalistic sound and imagery. (Natalie Stendall)
SoloLibri (Italy) and Mia Martini's cover of Kate Bush's
Wuthering Heights:
Il 12 maggio 1995 moriva Mia Martini, una delle voci più preziose del panorama musicale italiano. Tra i suoi successi più noti Almeno tu nell’universo, Piccolo Uomo, Minuetto e Gli uomini non cambiano sono sicuramente tra i primi titoli che ci vengono in mente se pensiamo a questa straordinaria artista. Ma sapevate che Mia Martini cantò Cime Tempestose? (...)
La voce graffiante di Mia Martini, l’adattamento musicale più cupo e composto da suoni più inquietanti rispetto a quello della Bush, conferiscono al brano quell’atmosfera lugubre e spettrale che caratterizza il romanzo. Un senso di fantasmi e ricordi che tormentano ci pervade quando ascoltiamo questa canzone. (Serena Di Battista) (Translation)
Diario de Cádiz (Spain) mentions the latest novel by Toni Hill:
En Los ángeles de hielo, su última novela en librerías, Toni Hill recrea la Barcelona de principios de siglo en una historia de mimbres góticos con remembranzas a Wilkie Collins y Jane Eyre -precisamente, uno de los clásicos que el autor ha traducido al castellano-. (Translation)
Libertad Digital (Spain) writes a tribute to Alfred Hitchcock's
El beso que compite con el de Encadenados (en Vértigo, James Stewart y Kim Novak giraban sobre una plataforma). El amor más loco que se pueda imaginar con permiso de Cumbres borrascosas. Y esa sensación de vértigo en el campanario que Hitchcock hizo combinando un zoom con un travelling hacia atrás. Hasta la técnica emociona. (Rosa Belmonte) (Translation)
La Capital (Argentina) reviews
Menzogna e sortilegio (1948) by Elsa Morante:
Morante, para quienes gusten de genealogías femeninas, merece ser comparada, al menos por esta novela, a la genial Emily Brontë: tal como la autora de Cumbres borrascosas, la italiana es salvaje, pero no borra la posibilidad de la ternura. Y más allá del denso trasfondo de este millar de páginas, difícilmente aburran a nadie: a través de ellas la trama fluye vertiginosa, el melodrama atrapa y no suelta. (Sebastián Riestra) (Translation)
A local winemaker's portrait in
La Repubblica (Italy):
E poi c’è lui, Andrea Franchetti, una specie di Heatcliff di Cime Tempestose dall’espressione poco incline al sorriso, con quell’aria stazzonata quanto basta da non incoraggiare eccessive confidenze.
A differenza di Heatcliff, Franchetti è di nobile estrazione, nato a New York e vissuto a Roma, un passato nella distribuzione dei vini italiani all’estero e un talento nella cura di vigna e cantina scoperto solo a quarant’anni. (Manuela Zennaro) (Translation)
Corriere della Sera (Italy) interviews the writer Yoko Ogawa:
Valeria Palumbo: È vero che a spingerla a diventare scrittrice è stata la lettura del Diario di Anna Frank? Quali sono le sue altre fonti di ispirazione letteraria e, in particolare, quali scrittrici le piacciono?
Yoko Ogawa: Sì, è così. Anna Frank mi ha insegnato che le parole rendono liberi. Sono molti gli scrittori che mi hanno ispirato: Kawabata Yasunari, Tanizaki Jun’ichirō, Abe Kōbō, Paul Auster, Steven Millhauser, Richard Brautigan, Antonio Tabucchi, Pascal Quignard… Mi rendo conto adesso di aver citato tutti nomi maschili, ma non ho particolari preferenze in questo senso: ogni tanto rileggo Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë, Il grande quaderno di Ágota Kristóf, e Il ricevimento in giardino di Katherine Mansfield. (Translation)
Ostsee Zeitung (Germany) reviews the latest album of Loreena McKennitt,
Lost Souls:
Auf “Spanish Guitars and Night Plazas“ folgt “A Hundred Wishes“, eine Pianoballade, vielleicht der radioaffinste McKennitt-Song überhaupt. Dann “Ages Past, Ages Hence“, ein Walzer, der sich im Ohr des Hörers dreht wie Kate Bushs “Wuthering Heights“ von 1978. (Matthias Halbig) (Translation)
Göteburgs-Posten (Sweden) reviews Charlotte Aquilonius's
Här kommer natten:
De är alldeles för långa och stilen skulle ibland lämpa sig bättre för en revy på Lorensberg än i den Wuthering Heights-miljö som författaren tycks velat återskapa, för här finns också en bisarr kärlekshistoria som aldrig får någon riktning. (Sinziana Ravini) (Translation)
Le Soir (Belgique) quotes Hemingway recommending
Wuthering Heights.
Glas Slavonije and inform that
HRT2 (Croatia, May 13, 20:05) broadcasts
Jane Eyre 2016.
CupsOfSilver posts about violence in
Wuthering Heights.
My Jane Eyre posts about Identity and Independence using an old hardback copy of the Norton
Jane Eyre.

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