Next Monday, May 14, a writing course by
Arvon in partnership with the Brontë Society, begins in Hebden Bridge:
Starting to Write with the Brontës
Your words, their works
May 14th - May 19th 2018
Lumb Bank
The Ted Hughes Arvon Centre
Hebden Bridge
West Yorkshire HX7 6DF
Start writing inspired by the Brontë sisters and their West Yorkshire home. Throughout the week you will be encouraged to take inspiration from – and to respond to – the Brontës’ works, their ideas and their place in the world. This course is aimed at new writers with an interest in the Brontës and is a unique opportunity to explore both fiction and poetry through the prism of this famous family. Highlights from the week include a private visit and special access to the Brontë Parsonage and its collection, as well as a series of (optional) Brontë walks around Haworth, where they lived and wrote.
Tutors: Tiffany Murray, Katrina Naomi
Guest: Claire Harman

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