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    4 months ago

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Telegraph and Argus has a more detailed account of what the Duchess of Cornwall will be doing in Haworth on Friday:
Camilla, wife of Prince Charles, will tour the Brontë Parsonage Museum and travel by steam train on the Keighley and Worth Valley Line (KWVR).
During her mid-afternoon visit to the railway, Her Royal Highness will visit the locomotive maintenance facility in Haworth and meet a new generation of volunteers working on steam locomotive restorations. [...]
Also on Friday the Duchess of Cornwall will visit the Brontë Parsonage Museum, the place where the Brontë sisters lived and wrote famous novels like Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.
This year marks the 90th anniversary of the museum in Haworth Parsonage, as well as the 200th anniversary of Emily Brontë’s birth.
During her visit, Her Royal Highness will be guided through the historic rooms of the parsonage by Principal Curator, Ann Dinsdale.
Her Royal Highness will have a close-up viewing of some of the ‘treasures’ relating to Emily Brontë in the museum library.
A spokesman said: “During 2017, over 10,000 visitors participated in Clare Twomey’s Wuthering Heights – A Manuscript project, which set out to create a new version of Emily Brontë’s long-lost manuscript by copying it out one line at a time.
“Her Royal Highness will also meet Clare Twomey before writing the last line of Wuthering Heights into the newly-created manuscript in the very house where Emily wrote the original.
“The visit will also involve a private reception where Her Royal Highness will meet museum staff and volunteers and local school children who recently took part in a creative writing competition organised by the museum.” (David Knights)
It's Valentine's Day tomorrow and the Brontës' works are among the recommendations on several sites. Travel Weekly (Australia) tells about British Airways' plans for the day, including a blunder (Jane Eyre among all those other writers!):
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, British Airways is adding a romantic touch to its inflight entertainment with the introduction of a new category – Love is in the Air.
Running until the end of February, the category plays host to a collection of films, TV shows and audio programmes, all with a romantic theme. [...]
Finally, the Valentine’s Day range is complemented by poems and excerpts from the likes of William Shakespeare, Robert Burns, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Jane Eyre, Thomas Hardy, William Wordsworth, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and David Herbert Lawrence, while actor Michael Sheen reads: A Lover’s Gift from Him to Her.
International Falls Journal recommends books for people with a ' view of love and romance a bit more blighted', such as
Don’t forget Heathcliff and Catherine in "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë for a classic messed up romance. (Diane Adams)
And bad fictional couples on The Aquinian:
Bad fictional couples. Ross and Rachel, Chuck and Blair, Danny and Sandy, Cathy and Heathcliff. Pretty much everybody can name a few they have a soft spot for but know deep down shouldn’t be together.
But why in this age of promoting healthy #relationshipgoals on Instagram we still fall for characters, both fictional and in real life, who are just straight up bad? (Angela Bosse)
La Verdad (Spain) discusses romantic novels and looks back to their origins:
En la novela decimonónica de corte romántico, y en su degeneración posterior -el género rosa-, las barreras que el amor derribaba eran las de la clase social y las de las diferencias económicas (la 'Jane Eyre' de Charlotte Brontë). (Iñaki Ezkerra) (Translation)
Signature shares '10 Quotes Illustrating the Power of the Dream Sequence', including:
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, 1847
“Heaven did not seem to be my home; and I broke my heart with weeping to come back to earth; and the angels were so angry that they flung me out into the middle of the heath on the top of Wuthering Heights; where I woke sobbing for joy.” (Tom Blunt)
Roma Sette (Italy) features the work of Jean Rhys.
Il successo arrivò solo in tarda età col Grande mare dei sargassi (1966), che riprende il tema chiave dell’orfanità e dell’abbandono presente in Jane Eyre, capolavoro di Charlotte Brontë, collocandolo sullo sfondo dello schiavismo ottocentesco in Giamaica; ma non le diede soddisfazione, anzi parve esacerbare certe tensioni emotive senza farla uscire dal dorato isolamento nella campagna del Devon: una condizione conquistata con vera cocciutaggine che l’accompagnò sino al termine dei suoi giorni. (Eraldo Affinati) (Translation)
The Brontë Babe tells about her Brontë reading history.


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