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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
An alert for today, February 14, at the Brontë Parsonage Museum
Wild Wednesday! Curious CardsFamily friendly drop-in artist-led workshop
February 14th 2018 11:00am - 04:00pm

Welcome to the first Wild Workshop of 2018! Every Wednesday in the school holidays we invite you to ‘drop in’ and create something amazing to take home with you. Today,  we’re getting into the spirit of  St Valentine’s day, (as well as the Brontës’ very romantic novels!) to make a little origami card and an envelope for that secret someone special. Or your pet dog…or whoever you like!
Free with admission to the Museum, all materials provided. 
Keighley News has further information:
A spokesman said: “We’ll get into the spirit of St Valentine’s Day, as well as the Brontës’ very romantic novels.
“You can make a little origami card and an envelope for that secret someone special. Or your pet dog... or whoever you like!”
Wild Wednesday! workshops will run every Wednesday during the school holidays in 2018 and allow children to drop in and create something amazing to take home with them.
The Easter holidays will see a Welcome Wednesday! workshop on April 4 devoted to Extraordinary Eggs, when children can use different dyes and techniques to make colourful eggs.
Marvellous Maps is the title of the workshop on April 11, also from 11am to 4pm, focusing on the Brontës’ love of creating maps. (Jim Seton)


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