
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Thursday, February 02, 2017

ITV News features the temporary exhibition at the Brontë Parsonage Museum in honour of Branwell's bicentenary and gives us this glimpse into the recreation of Branwell's room at the Parsonage. It's thrilling to see a picture of it so it must be terribly atmospheric to stand right there.

The Irish News has a short review of Samantha Ellis's Take Courage.
Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Brontë penned Jane Eyre, even their brother Branwell has become infamous for his attempts at poetry and equally his perpetual drunkenness. But Anne Brontë? Can you name what she wrote? The target of playwright Samantha Ellis's Take Courage is just that, history's unfair dismissal of youngest Brontë Anne's work, her relegation to the role of the ignored "other sister". It's a robust, emotionally charged defence of the writer, whose death aged 29 left us with just a handful of poems and two novels to read, Agnes Grey and The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall. Ellis's main problem is that there is very little information on which to build a whole picture of Anne but the one she does manage to draw is of a woman misunderstood by historians and obscured by her sisters, despite a mind blindingly sharp and progressive. Take Courage certainly begins to right the balance; however, Ellis distractingly puts a bit too much of herself in at times. (Ella Walker)
Foyles features the authors of the six latest 'Galaxy® Quick Reads' and two of them pick Jane Eyre as one of the three books that first inspired their love of reading.
Amanda Craig [...]
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. One of my best friends is severely dyslexic, and the story of this classic novel is so powerful that she read it, sentence by sentence, and it changed her life. If you've ever been bullied at home or at school, or fallen in love with someone, this is the one for you. It's about a girl who is hated and rejected, like Cinderella, and by her courage and personality becomes loved and valued. Mad, bad and dangerous people try to trick, scare and even kill her. But she wins. [...]
Rowan Coleman [...]
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. I love Jane, from a frightened child to a courageous and independent young woman, I love this story of an ordinary person doing her best to find happiness and freedom.
Heatstreet thinks its 'Time To Scrap Women-Only Book Prizes' and argues that,
Jane Austen, all three (female) Brontës, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell, George Eliot, Virginia Woolf, Agatha Christie… I could go on but I’d be typing all day… have all proven that women not only write great books – they write them better than men. (Emily Hill)
Verily Magazine reviews the The Lady's Choice, a computer game described as 'choose-your-own-Regency-era-adventure'.
While at times the plot might lend itself to scenes that have a touch of Brontë—depending on your choices, there’s a mischievous man in a mask, or a brooding gambling-affiliated Lord—it’s still very much carried in an authentic spirit of Jane [Austen], leaving you breathless with its twists and turns over the course of several hours. I, for one, was absolutely enchanted. (Maria Walley)


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