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Saturday, November 05, 2016

The Telegraph & Argus publishes the monthly report of news of the Brontë Parsonage Museum:
I had a fantastic day with school children from Oakworth and Lees primary schools last week.
A number of year five and year six children are working with us on a project with orchestra Sinfonia Viva, who joined us for a day of being inspired by Charlotte Brontë!
The end result of this creative work will be a performance in St Michael’s Church in Haworth on Tuesday, November 29 at 6.30pm.
I took a group of children on a guided walk to help give them an idea of what Haworth and the Parsonage was like in the time of the Brontës, and they were particularly interested in the gory details – facts about mortality rates, decomposition and sharing privies went down a treat!
If your thoughts are turning to Christmas shopping, you could combine a visit to the exhibition with a spot of late night Thursday shopping on November 17, as we’re open until 8pm. Visiting the museum on a November evening is rather magical.
And speaking of magical, we have a handful of tickets left for our final Parsonage Unwrapped event of the year - Treasures by Candlelight – so do call if you want to treat yourself or someone else to a special evening.
We’re very excited about the January events we have planned for the New Year.
The museum and shop are normally closed between January 2 and 31, whilst we carry out essential collection cleaning, and prepare the museum for the new exhibition, but we’re doing something a little different in 2017.
The shop will remain open throughout the month, and we have a series of events planned for the weekends.
We will be hosting an exclusive Parsonage Wrapped event, where you can join a member of the curatorial team to discover what goes on ‘behind the scenes’ in the closed period, as we put the house to bed.
There will be a talk by Samantha Ellis, author of a new fascinating biography on Anne Brontë, and award-winning production designer Grant Montgomery, from Sally Wainwright’s new biopic of the Brontës, To Walk Invisible, will join us to discuss how he re-created the 19th-century world of the Brontës.
And our final event of the month is a wintery walk around Haworth with award-winning storyteller Ursula Holden Gill. The walk starts and finishes in Branwell Brontë’s favourite haunt The Black Bull. (David Knights)
More Woofering Heights stuff in Cambridge News, Bournemouth Daily Echo, Maidenhead Advertiser...

Palatinate talks about pseudonyms:
The early Victorian era generally considered that writing literature was not within the scope of feminine arts, and women were consequently often refused publication. The Brontë sisters learnt this when looking to get their works published, and swiftly replaced the names of Anne, Charlotte and Emily Brontë with Acton, Currer and Ellis Bell. Not every female author obeyed this trend, such as Jane Austen, who famously refused to submit to the prejudices of her contemporary society by publishing her work under the pen name “A. Lady”, which did not attempt to disguise from the public her feminine identity. (Ella Capel-Smith)
Bustle has a list of hilarious (or not) literary puns like:
10. That Charlotte Brontë, she’s a breath of fresh Eyre. (Charlotte Ahlin)
This is not a pun apparently. We read on ResearchGate:
RG [Katherine Lindemann]: Do you know of other instances of insomnia-inspired art? Would you recommend it as an artistic technique?
Antonio Perciaccante: There are of course many examples of insomnia-inspired art, including that of Marcel Proust, Vladimir Nabokov, Emily Brontë, Walt Whitman, and others. I cannot say whether insomnia could be considered an artistic technique, but it is certain that it fed the creative work of some writers.
The Daily Telegraph (Australia) discusses the classics haters:
And the list keeps going and going — longer than a Brontë sister in front of descriptive scenery, or Hamlet’s soliloquies.
So why all the classical hate? While some may read the comments with a grin, and accept that some simply don’t get the subtleties of Jane Eyre, or the art of Shakespeare, Associate Professor William Walker believes the critiques are a symbol of a very real issue within the Australian curriculum. (Sarah Keoghan)
The OUP Blog is all for the blessings of having many languages:
Think of postcolonial writers such as Sam Selvon with his West Indian London English, or Chinua Achebe whose Nigerian English is layered with Igbo phrasing and terms. Think of Charlotte Brontë whose edge as a writer was honed by intense composition exercises done in French at a school in Brussels, or George Eliot whose stylistic authority was nourished by a long labour of translation from German. (Matthew Reynolds)
The Irish Independent reviews among other The Light Between the Oceans:
Positively Brontë-like in its plotting, The Light Between Oceans drowns one in melancholy music, bleak seascapes and over-neat tragedies. It almost has a Mills & Boon quality, but it's very nice to look at and Fassbender and Vikander are most convincing as the doomed lovers. (Paul Whitington)
Onirik (in French) reviews Les Soeurs Brontë 1977:
Ce biopic, que d’aucuns pourraient qualifier de lent et terne, a choisi de privilégier la sobriété, la rigueur, l’économie des mots et des gestes au détriment de la fougue et de la passion que l’on connaît dans les oeuvres des Brontë.
Une fois ce postulat accepté, le film laisse une impression étrange, et l’on se plaît à penser qu’il s’agit presque d’un témoignage, sans doute assez proche de la réalité, entre rêverie et austérité. (Translation)
The film is screened in TV5 on November 7. Jane Eyre 2011 is also screened in the Greek TV station EPT2.

Le Devoir (in French) reviews the film Mal de Pierres:
Ce film, adapté du roman de l’Italienne Milena Agus et transposé en Provence, dégage un charme littéraire suranné, âpre et prenant, entre Maupassant, Emily Brontë et Thomas Mann (on retrouve même un sanatorium suisse, comme dans sa Montagne magique). Mal de pierres est une production destinée à la large audience. D’autant plus que la luminosité, la beauté des images de Christophe Beaucarne habillent les sentiments, ici à fleur de peau, d’une actrice au feu intérieur. (Odile Tremblay) (Translation)
Also in Le Devoir:
À l’instar de Marianne (Deneuve) se projetant dans la jeunesse de Nathalie (Emmanuelle Seigner), de Cathy (Croze) s’identifiant à une amie d’enfance, Gabrielle trouvera elle aussi un alter ego, Katherine, héroïne des Hauts de Hurlevent d’Emily Brontë, afin de se rapprocher de son idéal d’amour, ce que l’on nomme dans le roman d’Agus la « chose principale ». (Manon Dumois) (Translation)
Diário de Notícias (in Portuguese) reviews the book Paula Rego por Paula Rego by Anabela Mota Ribeiro:
O que se lê neste conjunto de cinco entrevistas realizadas desde o inverno de 2003 fica sintetizado nuns versos de Amália, que Anabela Mota Ribeiro repesca logo ao início - "Se o meu sangue não me engana, como engana a fantasia" -, um passo inicial num caminho que vai tornar-se sedutor devido à luta que existe entre a pergunta e a resposta para se obter o colorido que a entrevista, tal como um quadro, necessita. Pode ser a conotação sexual fortíssima da série Jane Eyre, o medo do medo, a solidão que aprecia, o gosto por lulas guisadas, as depressões devido às histórias que lhe servem de tema, ou até o recusar olhar a posteridade. (João Céu e Silva) (Translated)
Today's Metro crossword contains a Brontë-related question;  Lakeside Musings reviews Agnes Grey. Eric Ruijssenaars publishes a statistical analysis of the translations of Villette and The Professor on the Brussels Brontë Blog.


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