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Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Tuesday, December 01, 2015 10:02 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Santa Barbara Independent features Randall House Rare Books, 'a specialty bookstore owned by long-time local resident and book aficionado Ronald R. Randall' and the one that sold the book that used to belong to Maria Brontë and which contained unpublished writings by Charlotte Brontë.
The short story fragment and poem manuscripts were stowed inside a book, which had belonged to Charlotte’s mother Maria Brontë, called “The Remains of Henry Kirke White” by Robert Southey. The book survived a shipwreck and was inscribed by Charlotte’s father Patrick Brontë, “the book of my dearest wife and it was saved from the waves. So then it will always be preserved,” according to Randall House.
Set in 1833, Charlotte Brontë’s unfinished short story is “a satirical take on life in Harworth,” the village where the family lived, Brontë scholar Doctor Juliet Barker said. The story was written under the pseudonym of one of Charlotte’s male alter egos, Lord Charles Wellesley. The poem takes place in the six Brontë children’s fantasy world and, according to Randall House, is true to Charlotte’s poetic style.
Without doubt this has been one of the most exciting finds in my six decades of being a rare bookseller,” said Randall, “it also has been one of the most difficult to figure out. Not least the handwriting of the poem, which is in Charlotte’s minuscule handwriting, and deciphering this took months.” As Maria Brontë’s book also contained writing by her husband, Charlotte’s husband Arthur Bell Nicholls, and other authors, much research was completed to determine which passages were written by whom.
In 1861, the book was first sold at Patrick Brontë’s estate sale, Randall House said. For close to a century, the book belonged to an American family who chooses to remain anonymous. The family entrusted Randall House to negotiate the sale of Charlotte’s two manuscripts. (Lena Garcia)
The Guardian interviews the YA writer Becca Fitzpatrick:
Which authors do you admire? (For me, I’m inspired by you, George Orwell, James Dawson, Harper Lee and Emily Brontë - coming from the Brontë area, there is a lot of inspiration from her.) (Lottie is Dottie)
Oh, the moors! Do you live near Yorkshire? I dreamed of the moors when I was a teen reading Wuthering Heights. I’m inspired by Victoria Holt, Sandra Brown, Nora Roberts, Karen Joy Fowler and Emily Brontë. (...)
What is your favourite classical book? (I love Animal Farm and To Kill A Mockingbird - pieces of classical gold). Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. As a teen, I was completely in love with Heathcliff. As an adult, he terrifies me. 
Periodistas en español (Spain) reviews Ángeles Caso's novel Todo ese fuego. The accompanying caricature, however, shows Jane Austen as one of the Brontë sisters (Anne, presumably).
Reivindicaban la verdad a través de la ficción. Y vaya si lo consiguieron. Las hermanas Brontë abrieron definitivamente un camino a la literatura escrita por mujeres, un mérito nunca suficientemente reconocido. Novelas como ésta de Ángeles Caso vienen a hacerles justicia. (Francisco R. Pastoriza) (Translation)
Another Spanish site, Todo Literatura interviews Juan Manuel Corral from the publishing house Líneas Paralelas. A Sicilian Romance by Ann Radcliffe has just been translated into Spanish and he's asked about it.
¿Qué características destacaría de “Un romance siciliano”? Coloca las primeras piedras de lo que luego será la gran obra de Radcliffe, “Los misterios de Udolfo”. Así, ya podemos encontrarnos todos esos pasajes que influirán en la obra de autores tan importantes como las Hermanas Brontë, con mujeres encarceladas en los subsuelos de un castillo, como Edgar Allan Poe, el cual homenajeó/criticó a la autora en “El retrato oval”, o como Jane Austen, que los imitará en por ejemplo “La abadía de Northanger". (Javier Velasco Oliaga) (Translation)
Sydsvenskan (Sweden) reviews the new Swedish translation of Villette.
Översättarna Anna Karin Malmström Ehrling och Per Ove Ehrling har för att överbrygga denna klyfta i tiden gått in för att modernisera romanen, och för det mesta fungerar det bra. Ibland har de dock gått lite väl långt i sin iver att uppdatera språket, inte minst syntaktiskt, där Brontës sirliga prosa då och då blir väl korthuggen. Och hur letade ett ord som retreat sig in i Lucy Snowes svenska vokabulär? (Amanda Svensson ) (Translation)
Alison Ver Halen has read Wuthering Heights.


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