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Sunday, June 28, 2015

Sunday, June 28, 2015 3:15 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Yorkshire Post interviews  Judy Finnigan (from the Richard & Judy show):
“I think it’s just me. I’ve always liked Gothic novels – one of my favourite novels is Jane Eyre – and the way the Brontës wrote, and I love Daphne du Maurier. And for that, you need the power of landscape, whether it’s Yorkshire or whether it’s Cornwall, which means a great deal to me and where I find it relatively easier to write than anywhere else.
The Times Higher Education reviews Deborah Lutz's The Brontë Cabinet:
The various items (including letters, walking sticks and twined bracelets of hair) are gathered like talismans, and duly perform some sort of magic, transporting readers into the domestic life of the Brontës. Lutz immerses us in their mundane material reality and distils an understanding of their work that is almost always illuminating and unexpected. (...)
Sewing, domestic and ornamental, has its part both in the Brontës’ lives and in their novels, and it is to Lutz’s immense credit that she acknowledges how the intensely felt life of many women, not just the remarkable Brontës, found ways to be expressed. This is a fine book, rich, immersive and illuminating, glowing with the life of the Brontës and their wild genius. (Shahidha Bari)
Hello! Magazine talks about the importance of being named Charlotte:
Other than the young royal, the most famous British Charlotte is most likely Charlotte Brontë, who wrote Jane Eyre. (Rachel Elbaum)
The Star (Malaysia) has visited the British Library's Treasure Gallery:
Next to this was a handwritten, corrected draft from 1838 of Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens and Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 manuscript of Jane Eyre showing deletions and revisions she had made to the text.
El Litoral (Argentina) lists several July anniversaries by women:
1818: Nace Emily Bronte, novelista británica, autora de “Cumbres borrascosas”, considerada un clásico de la literatura inglesa. Llevó una vida casi monástica, cultivando la literatura junto a sus hermanos, pero -dada la época-, ocultando su condición femenina tras un seudónimo. Murió en 1848, a los 30 años, de tuberculosis y sin saber la repercusión que su única obra le iba a dar a través del tiempo. (Translation)
The Brussels Brontë Blog posts about the Brussels meeting of the Brontë Society Waterloo excursion last June 20.


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