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Monday, November 10, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014 9:43 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
As most Mondays, it's a slow news day in Brontëland. But if you are intrigued about how Mallory Ortberg's Texts from Jane Eyre came to be, NPR has the answer:
What if the greatest characters in literary history all carried around smart phones and typed out messages to each other? That's the conceit of the new book Texts from Jane Eyre. Author Mallory Ortberg knows it sounds gimmicky, but she loved imagining how Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester might have texted.
"It's just re-imagined dialogue that I think all of these characters would absolutely say in a slightly more familiar context," Ortberg explains. (Neda Ulaby)
A review can be found on Early Book Reviews .

The Brussels Brontë Blog has an article on the recent talk Shoes of Silence and a Face of Stone: Surveillance and Secrets in Charlotte Bronte's 'Villette' by Lucy Hughes-Hallett:
Students and members of the Brussels group met to hear award-wining historian and biographer Lucy Hughes-Hallett give the talk at the Université Saint-Louis. Group committee members Myriam, Lisbeth, Sharon and Marina brought local cakes and tarts for listeners to buy, along with the regular free tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. The audience was set to watch and learn on a sunny Saturday morning in October.
Babbling Books, The Frugal Chariot and A Night's Dream of Books posts about Jane Eyre, part of their Jane Eyre Read-along.


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