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Friday, December 27, 2013

As Wuthering Heights 2011 was premiered in some countries and US cities in 2013 it still appears on some best-of-the-year lists. Such as this one in The Commercial Appeal (Memphis):
Shot on dank and misty Yorkshire locations, British director Andrea Arnold’s haunting adaptation — which screened exclusively at the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art — cuts beneath the romantic accretion of decades of movie and TV idealizations to penetrate the dark heathen heart of Emily Brontë’s 1847 novel. Here, the famously tragic love story of Heathcliff and Catherine is something elemental and wild: a product of the untamed moors, like the fog, the heather and the ever-present rush of ghostly wind. Arnold’s boldest decision is to cast black actors as the boy and adult Heathcliff, making him an especially forbidden romantic partner for the pale Catherine. (John Beifuss)
William T. Gormley Jr thinks in Fox News that the Common Core State Standards are not so bad:
I feared that Charlotte Brontë, Ernest Hemingway and William Shakespeare and many other favorite authors were on the chopping block.
But later I learned that the “plot” to curb fiction was neither fiendish nor foolish. The Common Core’s nonfiction requirements are phased in over time, with younger children reading more fiction and older children reading more non-fiction.
The San Francisco Examiner reviews the DVD The Vivien Leigh Anniversary Collection:
Taking a cue from their characters, the co-stars plunged into an affair. Leigh is more natural in front of a camera - a knack Olivier wouldn't learn until two years later, when William Wyler showed him how in "Wuthering Heights." (Ruthe Stein)
Assignment X reviews the film The Invisible Woman:
The film is lovely to look at via Rob Hardy’s cinematography, with the kind of brooding imagery we may associate more with Thomas Hardy or the Brontë sisters than with Dickens. (Abbie Bernstein)
Line2day (Vietnam) recommends some tourist trips in England:
8. Haworth, Yorkshire
Haworth là một thị trấn nhỏ của thành phố Bradford, nằm ở phía tây hạt Yorkshire.  Những điểm tham quan nổi tiếng ở làng Haworth là tuyến đường xe lửa hơi nước cổ xưa, bảo tàng Parsonage Brontë, thác nước Brontë cùng các cửa hàng bán đặc sản địa phương, các quán rượu truyền thống nằm trong những tòa nhà lịch sử. (Translation)
La Nación (Argentina) retells the story of the Brontës' tragic endings:
Pero las hermanas Brontë representan, sin duda, un caso especial. Charlotte, que escribió Jane Eyre; su hemana menor, Emily, autora de Cumbres borrascosas; así como sus dos hermanas mayores, María y Elizabeth, contrajeron la tuberculosis al igual que otras 36 alumnas de una clase de 53 chicas que estudiaban en la Clergy Daughter's School, donde dormían hacinadas y se levantaban a las cinco de la madrugada para tomar un desayuno lamentable y lavarse con agua congelada. María y Elizabeth murieron a los once y diez años, respectivamente. Charlotte y Emily seguirían ese camino varios años después.
Emily Brontë era una personalidad extraña. Sus biógrafos dicen que nunca mostró interés por un humano; todo su amor estuvo reservado a los animales y hay quienes atribuyen sus peculiaridades al síndrome de Asperger (son adictos al trabajo, tienen excelente memoria y retención de los detalles, frecuentemente poseen grandes habilidades verbales y pueden encontrar un aspecto terapéutico en la creación artística). Hacia fines de 1848, y después de meses de toses, debilidad y falta de aire, fue languideciendo cada vez más y murió en diciembre de 1848.
Charlotte, sumida en la depresión, se refugió en la escritura. Casada a los 38 años, a los seis meses se embarazó, desarrolló hiperemesis gravídica (náuseas y vómitos continuos, un trastorno que afecta al uno por ciento de las embarazadas) y fiebre, un cóctel que inclinó la balanza a favor de la malnutrición, la tuberculosis y, finalmente, la muerte. (Nora Bär) (Translation)
The Times remembers Joan Fontaine in its summary of the obituaries of the year; Random Reads recommends Jane Eyre;  Alex Waterhouse-Hayward posts an article about Currer Bell, Emily Dickinson, Jane Eyrë (sic) & Jerome Charyn; on Letterboxd, Stephen Brown doesn't like Jane Eyre 2011; Esther's Narrative reviews Villette; Romanzi 2.0 (in Italian) posts about Wuthering Heights.


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