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Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday, November 17, 2013 2:39 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
A columnist in The Northumberland Gazette likes the Wuthering Heights production in Alnwyck:
I must say the cast’s performances in this epic tale were magnificent.
Annie Davison’s portrayal of Catherine Earnshaw can only be described as monumental.
She acted out the controversial subject of physical abuse and mental cruelty with maturity, prowess and dignity.
This budding actress has the voice of an angel and is arguably the songbird of our generation – a certain star of the future.
The Independent interviews Malorie Blackman, Waterstones Children's Laureate from 2013 to 2015:
Books are my first love. I started reading seriously at seven or eight, books about myths and legends, the Narnia series… By the time I was 11, I had read all the children's books in my local library, so I moved on to Jane Eyre. What I loved about Jane Eyre was that she didn't rely on her looks but her character. She had a spirit nobody could break. (Nick Duerden)
The Sunday Times devotes an article to Ruth Wilson ('the nation's favourite psycho') and remembers that before being Luther's Alice Morgan she was Jane Eyre in Jane Eyre 2006:
She's been a particularly sullen Jane Eyre.  (Louis Wise)
Also in the Sunday Times we found an extract from the upcoming Richard Hammond book On the Road:
We're going west now on the A66. It's a brooding, sombre stretch of black-and-white road permanently drenched and battered by Wuthering Heights weather. 
The Telegraph talks about CS Lewis joining Poet's Corner and remembers:
But what one Dean had forbidden, a later one might allow. In the 20th century, a vogue arose for public campaigns on behalf of authors previously regarded as “unsuitable”: the atheist Shelley, the loose-living Byron, the exiled Wilde. More lenient deans now consented. A bulk-order of Brontës in 1947 began an overdue surge of women: George Eliot and Jane Austen finally got a mention. (Kitty Clive’s petition, though, didn’t get a second wind.) (Iona McLaren)
The Jakarta Post (Indonesia) reviews Terry Eagleton's How to Read Literature:
Readers will find several noted canons in the book such as Charlotte Brontë, Forster, Keats, Milton, Hardy et al — plus JK Rowling. In response to the canons, Eagleton comes up with an elaborate reading of the nursery rhyme like in Baa Baa Black Sheep with the intention of showing why such an interpretation is under-justified by the text. (Danny Syofyan
Grant Smithies (no pun intended) defends Morrissey's autobiography publication as a Penguin classic with a bit of a boutade in Fairfax News (New Zealand):
And why on Earth spend a week trudging through Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights when an equivalent dose of romantic fatalism can be found within There is a Light That Never Goes Out by The Smiths?
What does having a Brontë silhouette mean exactly? Agathe Westendorp in La Provence (France) seems to know it for sure:
Comme de nombreux créateurs, Elizabeth Plummer a choisi Marseille pour exprimer son style. Avec un nom et une silhouette digne des personnages d'Émilie Brontë, Elizabeth, s'est d'abord installée à Barcelone. (Translation)
La Gaceta (Argentina) links together the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy and Jane Eyre:
Para aquellas niñas que crecimos entre las lecturas de Mujercitas o de Jane Eyre, en un mundo de películas elaboradas por el mundo edulcorado de Disney, que alguien hubiera matado a ese muchacho buen mozo y siempre sonriente que veíamos en los informativos del cine, era un golpe traumático. (Elisa Cohen de Chervonagura) (Translation)
The Sunday Times talks about the actress and singer Kate Stanley Brennan / Miss Kate and mentions Jane Eyre; Archetype devotes a poem to Emily Brontë; Brontë Family Blog has painted several portraits based on the alleged Brontës of this picture; The Master (in Spanish) talks about Gondal and Angria; 1001 Books You Must Read Before You Die reviews Jane Eyre.


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