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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013 9:56 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
This is how Slate begins an article on Doris Lessing:
Doris Lessing is dead, finally dead at age 94. When I heard the news I thought right away of the moment when Jane Eyre is being terrified into obedience by the loathsome Mr. Brocklehurst. “Should you want to fall into a pit and be burning there forever?” he asks her, hoping to scare her into cowering Christianity. “No, sir.” So what will you do to avoid it, he asks her, will you repent? I have a better idea, she replies: “I must keep in good health, and not die.” Repenting—to ministers, to capitalist fat-cats, or to p.c. bullies—was never an option for Lessing. But refusing to die (or to shut up) worked pretty well for Lessing right up to yesterday. (John Plotz)
Truth be told, though, the original doesn't explicitly mention repentance, just avoidance.

Aftonbladet (Sweden) places Doris Lessing among other great women writers (and why not men?) such as Charlotte and Emily Bronë (and why not Anne?).

The Christian Post's Insights features Jane_E author, Erin McCole-Cupp.
I have read Jane E and met the author and been impressed by both. I am looking forward to reading Don’t You Forget About Me. If you want a book that will awaken your imagination and stir your soul…and will last in your memory – try reading a book by Erin. Enjoy! (Ann Frailey)
Be Salt, Not Salty: The Catholic Writer and the Non-Catholic Character
In my speaking repertoire, I have a presentation for junior high and high school English classes. It’s called “Why Should I Care About Jane Eyre? How I Learned to Stop Complaining and Love Assigned Reading.” In this presentation, I tell the teens why we read fiction: if nothing else, fiction helps us learn new ways of solving our problems—or, in literary speak, “resolving our conflicts.” So it may come as no shock to you that I am of a mind that fiction, in order to be interesting, must include conflict that we humans need to learn how to resolve. [...]
Don’t You Forget About Me is written in first person. I was genuinely concerned that people would assume the interior monologue of a pro-choice, prejudice-plagued, “fallen away” main character was actually my editorializing as the author. On the other hand, I was concerned that, in writing another non-Catholic character who never gives any serious consideration to becoming Catholic, as I did in Jane_E, Friendless Orphan, my faith would not be blatantly obvious enough. In both cases it seems there were some readers who fulfilled my fears.
PolicyMic looks at the differences between male and female humour.
The other night we were together—three women at a dinner party, off in a corner, wiping away tears of hilarity. My friend had just gotten engaged and simultaneously been informed by her doctor that she had a mysterious lump in her abdomen that needed a CT scan pronto.
You just found love and you’re dying! How very Brontë, we screamed. (Nina Burleigh)
Interia's Fakty (Poland) has an article on the book Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące by Eryk Ostrowski. Andy's Film Blog compares briefly Wuthering Heights 1939 to Wuthering Heights 2011. Antique Fashionista has drawn a lovely watercolour featuring the five main places where Jane Eyre takes place.


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