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Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
New scholar Brontë research:
Seeking Wild Eyre: Landscape and the Environment in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre
Jennifer D Fuller
Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment, Vol 4, No 2 (2013), 154


Applying techniques from the growing field of ecocriticism, this article uses Jane Eyre to explore a growing environmental awareness among middle-class Victorians and demonstrate how their need to preserve a “wild” or “natural” landscape coincides with ideas of liberty and freedom prevalent in the novel. By looking at Jane’s changing interactions with and interpretations of the natural world, we can gain a better understanding of the value and interpretation of landscape to the Victorians. In Jane Eyre, Jane’s journeys continually lead her to finding a way to balance her human wants and needs with the “wildness” of the natural world.
Tesi di laurea magistrale (2013-07-01)
Benedetta Dazzi, Università de Pisa
La corrispondenza di Charlotte Brontë' con i suoi editori: la filiera del libro. Traduzione e commento di una selezione di lettere

Il lavoro è organizzato in due sezioni: la prima è una cronistoria delle vicissitudini editoriali e biografiche di Charlotte Brontë' nel decennio 1845-1855; nella seconda si presenta invece la traduzione di una selezione di lettere che l'autrice scrisse agli editori delle sue opere nel periodo preso in esame.
"Reader" in Jane Eyre  (5-2012)
Siruo Li
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

This thesis is designed to show the development of feminist power of Jane Eyre, the  heroine of Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre, by examining how her reader is addressed in the totality of this novel. The main body of this thesis will follow the four parts of Jane Eyre’s  different period of her life: in childhood, in Thornfield, in Moor House and in Ferndean  Manor. The rhetorical instrument of addressing her reader is influenced by her speech and silence, and appears in a gradually increasing frequency in the four parts. In this sense, Jane Eyre’s female voice is also empowered by the increasing addresses of her reader. Through the overturning the male voices by Jane’s female voice, her self-empowerment is achieved.


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