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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Tuesday, December 25, 2007 1:29 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph & Argus reminds us of the approaching ending of the temporal exhibitions at the Brontë Parsonage Museum:
Bronte fans have a few more days to see the latest temporary exhibitions before the Bronte Parsonage Museum at Haworth closes throughout January for the annual spring clean.
The[sic] Unlucky Book focuses on the scandal surrounding Elizabeth Gaskell's bioigraphy of Charlotte Bronte, author of Jane Eyre.
And Who Were The Brontes explores myths surrounding the family using the sisters' writings and personal possessions and new scientific research.
The museum reopens after Christmas on Friday, from 11am to 5pm. It will be closed from Wednesday, January 2, to Thursday, January 31. (Clive White)
Now for some ghost stuff. Can you imagine John Lennon visiting Yoko Ono à la Cathy-let-me-in in Wuthering Heights? Scotland on Sunday reports Yoko Ono saying just that:
The first time she thought she saw him after he died was "one day when I was half-asleep. I kept being attracted by something at the window. Suddenly I thought, 'Oh, it's John!' and he turned round and said, 'Come on, we've got to go.' And I said, 'I can't come with you now because I have Sean and so much to take care of.' He said, 'Oh yes, I forgot,' and just turned round. And I said, 'Later, not now.' And he said, 'Okay.' It was amazing. Like Cathy in Wuthering Heights, scratching at the window to get to Heathcliff. I do see him once in a while." (Chrissie Iley)
We thought Cathy's role was Paul McCartney's dream. Guess we were wrong.

The Baltimore Sun gives more details about the upcoming opening of the Inn Boonsboro, the hotel that Nora Roberts has restored and revamped:
True to form, Roberts is crafting her new inn as she would her next novel - or, rather, the next six. Each of the inn's six rooms will be themed, from decor down to custom-scented soaps, to a literary couple, including Jane Eyre and her Rochester (gothic), Pride and Prejudice's Elizabeth and Darcy (airier, Regency) and the Thin Man series' Nick and Nora (art deco). Only one room will be devoted to two of the hundreds of characters she herself has created - Eve and Roarke, of the futuristic police procedural series that she writes under the pen name J.D. Robb. (Jean Marbella)
In brief: Hal Boedeker in The Orlando Sentinel selects Jane Eyre Eyre 2006 for his top 2007 miniseries. Blogout talks (in Japanese) about Bernard Herrmann's soundtrack for Jane Eyre 1944.

Finally, a fully Christmas post: The Locust Blossom with Anne Brontë's Music on Christmas Morning.

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