To the editor,
There is a certain relief in knowing one’s life has been "Great Expectations" rather than "Wuthering Heights." Dickens, for all his moralizing, offers a path of transformation. Pip, though foolish in his youth, learns, adapts, and ultimately finds meaning beyond illusion. His journey is one of disillusionment, but also survival. Brontë’s world, by contrast, is a storm without end. "Wuthering Heights" is obsession, revenge, and self-inflicted torment. There is no redemption, only ghosts circling the past.
To live a "Great Expectations" life is to have been misled by youthful ambition but not destroyed by it. We all begin as Pips, dazzled by false idols, but the fortunate among us emerge wiser. Heathcliff never does. His tragedy is one of stagnation, of passion curdled into vengeance. He is the embodiment of those who cannot let go, who live as if their suffering grants them nobility rather than proving their own self-destruction.
A life of "Great Expectations" may be one of setbacks and disappointment, but it allows for growth. It acknowledges that while reality often falls short of our illusions, we are not doomed to wander the moors, howling at what was lost. The world is filled with Heathcliffs – those who believe their torment is proof of some grand tragedy rather than their own refusal to move forward. There is no nobility in clinging to ghosts.
We do not always get the lives we expect, but we can be grateful that we are not trapped in an endless cycle of regret. If nothing else, that is its own small victory.
Joe Cozart
Grand Forks
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