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Monday, April 22, 2024

Monday, April 22, 2024 1:45 am by M. in ,    No comments

This game has apparently a lot of Wuthering Heights. And, as a we didn't know really very much about what was going on, we have asked our friend Co-pilot. What he says sounds plausible:

Limbus Company, dOneveloped by Project Moon, is a turn-based RPG gacha game that has garnered attention for its integration of elements from the classic novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. The game is set in a universe shared with Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, expanding on the lore of The City and its districts.
Players take on the role of the Executive Manager, leading Sinners through the buried facilities of Lobotomy Corporation to claim the Golden Boughs. The gameplay combines turn-based RPG mechanics with real-time action, where units act simultaneously during combat. 
The fourth season, known as “Clear All Cathy,” includes the significant chapter
Canto VI: The Heartbreaking.
This update introduces new story chapters, the Mirror Dungeon “Mirror of the Wuthering,” the Refraction Railway “Masquerade,” new identities, and exclusive E.G.O equipment. The season’s pass provides additional rewards and items, enhancing the game’s universe and lore.
Canto VI: The Heartbreaking is a chapter that follows the events of “Intervallo III: Yield My Flesh to Claim Their Bones,” focusing on the tragic events within T Corp. in District 20. It features factions like Limbus Company and Dead Rabbits, with characters such as Nelly, Catherine Linton, and Heathcliff playing central roles. The chapter explores themes of betrayal and revenge, reflecting the influence of Wuthering Heights
Catherine Earnshaw, or Cathy, is a pivotal character in this narrative. As the only daughter of the Earnshaw family and owner of Wuthering Heights, her story intertwines with Heathcliff’s, fueling his quest for vengeance and self-improvement. Her death and the subsequent inheritance of the Golden Bough by Heathcliff set off a chain of events that drive the story forward.
The game’s narrative (...) offers a unique experience that pays homage to Brontë’s work while providing a fresh perspective within the RPG genre.


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