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Sunday, February 05, 2023

Sunday, February 05, 2023 11:19 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Times Square Chronicles reviews the Wise Children's production of Wuthering Heights as performed in Chicago:
I had always thought of Wuthering Heights as a tale mired in darkness.  But there is unexpected light at the end of this story which this production delivers as well, sending the audience home with the wonderfully satisfying sense of having lived through the soul-shaking tale themselves, much as its surviving characters do.
Kudos to the whole production team, including composer Ian Ross, movement director and choeographer Eta Murfit, Music Diretor Pat Moran, and the entire design staff.
This production will  live in my memory for years to come, as I’m sure it will in yours if you are fortunate enough to see it.  Get your tickets while you can. (Jeffery Lyle Segal)
48Hills talks about the Mostly British Fest in San Francisco:
The latter is the case in the opening night selection, a directorial debut for the actress Frances O’Connor. Emily is about the Brontë who wrote scandalously wrote Wuthering Heights—as opposed to the one who wrote Jane Eyre (that would be Charlotte) or Agnes Grey (Anne). As played by Emma Mackey, this middle sister is considered “strange,” antisocial, sickly, and over-imaginative, thwarting her curate father’s attempts to settle her into a career or marriage. Nonetheless, she does enter into a liaison with a handsome young cleric (Oliver Jackson-Cohen), which provides the raw material for the literary fame, or at least notoriety, she’d earn before dying at age 30. (None of the Brontë siblings lived to see 40, brother Branwell included.) (Dennis Harvey)
The film also will be screened at the Stittsville's Rotary Club International Film Series (Ottawa-Stittsville):
A month later, the British film Emily will be shown on March 27th. Fans of the Brontë sisters and of gothic fables will find themselves enjoying this atmospheric portrait of Emily Brontë, the author of Wuthering Heights. (Madison Costeira in Stittsville Central)

Proceso (México) recommends the film too. 

Rocky Mountain Outlook Today lists classics in high school reading lists:
#28. Wuthering Heights
"Wuthering Heights," published in 1847, was the first and only novel by Emily Brontë, who died a year later at the age of 30. Brontë tells the tragic love story between Heathcliff, an orphan, and Catherine, the daughter of his wealthy benefactor. Considered a classic in English literature, the novel shows readers how passionate and destructive love can be. (Keri Wiginton)
Music Grotto and SkyTg24 (Italy) list songs about books:
Wuthering Heights — Kate Bush
English songstress Kate Bush has often dived into strange, eerie topics in her tracks. One of the most famous is Wuthering Heights, which draws inspiration from the novel by Emily Brontë.
In the track, Bush assumes the role of Cathy Linton, the dead heroine calling for Heathcliff to let her in from the moors. This is taken directly from the beginning of the novel, in which the protagonist dreams of seeing her weeping outside his bedroom window. Bush’s performance is evocative of the eerie sounds of someone crying over the moor. (Liam Flynn)

Il primo singolo di Kate Bush (e forse il suo più grande successo) è Wuthering Heights, che prendeva spunto da Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë. Chiara l’immedesimazione con la protagonista Catherine: “Heathcliff it’s me I’m Cathy I’ve come home!”. (Translation)

The film director M. Night Shyamalan is quite right when he says in an interview with the Spanish radio Cadena SER
Siempre les digo a mis hijas que si las hermanas Brontë, ya sabes, las de Jane Eyre y Cumbres borrascosas, hubieran tenido Instagram, no habrían escrito nada. Sería simplemente imposible. Habrían estado todo el rato ahí volviéndose locas... Hay que buscar alguna forma de volver al presente", añade a la ecuación las redes sociales como factor de esta deriva autodestructiva. (José M. Romero) (Translation)
France Inter talks about the novel Les Brouillards Noirs by Patrice Gain:
Patrice Gain en souligne le caractère solitaire et oppressant, joue de l’omniprésence glacée de l’océan souvent déchaîné, des vociférations du vent. Et des brumes qui brusquement envahissent tout, les « brouillards noirs » comme disent les autochtones. Et c’est dans ce décor hostile, façon Les Hauts de Hurlevent, qu’il place un homme venu de France à la recherche de sa fille. (Tranlation)
Knitting in nights of insomnia. In La Nación (Argentina):
El bordado de Flo avanza y ya se adivina el motivo. Mi tejido crece. Vistas a los lejos, con el tejido y el bordado y la luz de las velas, pareceríamos para los vecinos del otro lado de la calle Ugarteche una suerte hermanas de Brontë modernas, solo que con paquete de cigarrillos y botella de vino. Sin pretendientes cerca, concluimos que había que terminar con esas pavadas del romance, los hombres y el amor. Porque nada duele tanto como el amor. (Carola Gil) (Translation)
Haunted houses in La Presse (Canada): 
S’il y a un fantôme ici, c’est probablement lui, et je me sens soudainement comme dans un roman d’Emily Brontë. (Chantal Guy) (Translation)
Oggi (Italy) interviews the editor Gian Arturo Ferrari:
L’autrice cita Focault, gli Iron Maiden, Baricco, Edward Mani di Forbice che è del 1990. Può una neolaureata avere riferimenti culturali così lontani dalla sua generazione? «La creazione letteraria non è determinata da come uno cresce, da quello che ha fatto o non ha fatto. Le sorelle Brontë hanno passato tutta la loro vita chiuse in una canonica, facendo ricamini». (Lavinia Carpitti) (Translation)
Not really.

Télérama (France) recommends The Dutch House by Ann Patchett:
La suite de l’histoire pourrait entrer dans la composition d’un conte : mort brutale du père, héritage en faveur d’Andrea qui, en parfaite marâtre, s’empresse de mettre à la porte ses beaux-enfants, presque sans-le-sou. Mais il n’y a pas de misère à la Dickens dans ce roman signé Ann Patchett, plutôt un soupçon des sœurs Brontë pour l’esprit gothique. (Translation)
Onedio (Turkey) confuses self-respect with pride. Short-sighted, to say the least:
Jane Eyre, bu zamana kadarki en çok bilinen aşk hikayelerinden biridir. Herkes zavallı Jane’e üzülüp ona hayranken, o gururu yüzünden onu en çok seven adamı terk etmeye hazırdı.
Bencilliği yüzünden kendi hayatını ve etrafındaki herkesin hayatını mahvetti. Hikayede kimsenin ölmemesi büyük bir şansken aslında güzel bir sonla da bitebilirdi. (Gökçenur Kemaloğlu) (Translation)
Sentieri Selvaggi (Italy) reviews The Banshees of Inisherin:
 Gli spirito dell’isola è allora per certi versi un film gotico, un Cime tempestose al maschile con venature grandguignolesche e ovviamente omoerotiche. (Carlo Valeri) (Translation)
ILB Live (Italy) talks about Joseph Conrad's Amy Foster:
 Il protagonista di Amy Foster ricorda per alcuni aspetti Heathcliff di Cime tempestose, dal fascino maledetto e incompreso e che trasmette a chi legge un senso di inquietudine, senza che ci sia un’oggettiva ragione, e di cui la protagonista s’innamora. (Valentina Berengo ) (Translation)
Sony Channel (in Germany) airs Wuthering Heights 2009 today. 


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