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Sunday, January 01, 2023

Sunday, January 01, 2023 12:36 pm by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The best roast dinner in the country is in Haworth. Yorkshire Live knows everything about it:
The Hawthorn is a Georgian gem nestled in the heart of Haworth in Brontë country. It is a favourite with locals and visitors wandering around the picturesque village once home to the Brontë sisters, Charlotte, Emily and Anne who were famous for their classic novels including Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and Agnes Grey. (Sophie Corcoran)
The Guardian has a selection of the best films on streaming and DVDs for the new year: 
One of last year’s most pleasant surprises, this elegantly literate, weather-blown portrait of Emily Brontë rises above stuffy biopic convention by focusing as much on the young writer’s sensual world as her storytelling. Youthful but not in a try-hard way, lyrical but not excessively pretty, it announces star Emma Mackey and actor turned director Frances O’Connor as huge talents. (Guy Lodge)
The film is also on The Week's list: 
Frances O’Connor’s Emily takes some bold liberties in fleshing out the little we know about the life of Emily Brontë, said Deborah Ross in The Spectator, but this is a “speculative biopic” – with no Fleabag-style breaking of the fourth wall or jokey intertitles. Emma Mackey turns in a “ferocious” performance; and the cinematography is ravishing.
Vijesti25 (Montenegro) lists the best films of the year. Emily is on the list:
Kao što je to slučaj i sa Blonde Andrewa Dominika i Corsage (Korset) Marie Kreutzer, i Emily je pokušaj da se poboljšano opiše i re-imaginizira prepoznatljiva ženska figura koja, u novom vremenu, zahtijeva i novu vrstu pristupa.
No, dok su Marilyn Monroe u prvom i austro-ugarska carica Sisi u drugom filmu tretirane kao celebrity ličnosti koje su, iako su bile u poziciji privilegijâ i povlasticâ, trpjele žestoki pritisak na njihovu personalnu i žensku autonomiju, dotle je O’Connor pokušala da izuzetnom fenomenu Emily Brontë priđe sa kreativne strane: jedan od najpouzdanijih modela dekodiranja spisateljske enigme jeste da se utvrdi odakle dolazi motivacija za aktiviranje distinktivne signature.
Baš na ovom polju se nalazi i zanimljivost, ali i ultimativna nedostatnost filma O’Connor: za razliku od Dominika i Kreutzer, ona je u Emily morala da uključi mnogo veće količine fikcionalnog materijala, pa je jasno da se biografska odrednica može uzeti tek uslovno. Rediteljica, ukratko, pripovjednu ‘oskudnost’ života Emily Brontë nadograđuje spekulativnim ličnostima i događajima, kako bi ‘objasnila’ spisateljičin prodoran uvid u prirodu (ženske) seksualnosti, koja je maestralno i magistralno zabilježena u Orkanskim visovima.
To dinamizuje sam film, ali prilično banalizuje rediteljičin interpretativni potencijal: zar nije, zapravo, najfascinantnije kod Emily Brontë - slično kao i kod Henryja Jamesa - upravo to da je autorica bez neposrednog seksualnog iskustva tako precizno i upečatljivo ušla u prostor mračne, štoviše sadističke seksualnosti. (Aleksandar Bečanović) (Translation)
The Yorkshire Post publishes pictures of this year's Auld Lang Syne fell race in Haworth:
The6.7 mile race is organised by Wharfedale Harriers and heads up to Top Withins – believed to be the inspiration for Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. (Victoria Finan)
Hidden gem tourist spots in Lancashire according to Lancashire Live:
Wycoller Village and Country Park
Lancashire is home to many beautiful parks and this one is no exception.
Set between Colne and Barnoldswick, the park is still home to the fantastic ruins of Wycoller Hall and the old bridges across the nearby beck, both of which have stood for more than 1,000 years. The hall is meant to be the inspiration for Jane Eyre's Ferndean Manor and is set amongst beautiful rolling hills. (Denise Evans)

Verena Fischer-Zernin, one of the contributors to Hamburger Abendblatt, lists Mithu Sanyal über Emily Brontë as one of the books of the year.

Samachar Central interviews the singer and songwriter Suzanne Vega:
She enjoys taking long walks and reading. “I loved Hilary Mantel’s biography, she’s such a good writer; I loved her Wolf Hall series too.”
Albert Camus’s ability to write about intense subjects in an unemotional way impressed her, and she naturally relates to Jane Eyre’s stoicism. (Pravin Jadhav)
La Lista (México) has an article about Guillermo Del Toro. The author of the article clearly has not watched Wuthering Heghts 1939: 
A pesar de ello el director siguió su camino, marcado por la película de terror Wuthering Heights, de William Wyler; así como por los trabajos de Alfred Hitchcock y Luis Buñuel, quienes se convirtieron en sus gurús en el arte de la dirección cinematográfica. (Translation)
CBR mentions the manga JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a Victorian pastiche anime that riffs on classic character types like Pip from Great Expectations with the protagonist Jonathan Joestar and Heathcliff of Wuthering Heights with the antagonist, Dio Brando. (Vera.)
OKChicas (Spain) and (toxic) literary characters:
Si alguna vez leíste Orgullo y prejuicio o Cumbres borrascosas, sabrás de qué hablamos cuando decimos que algunos personajes “románticos” pudieron ser más tóxicos que nada y aunque la trama nos haya conquistado, no está de más detectar las red flags. (Adelina Irazema) (Translation)
Cromosoma X (Spain) lists all of Kate Bush's albums: 
Hay mucho que admirar en The Kick Inside. Bush sólo tenía 19 años cuando salió a la venta, y la profundidad y complejidad de sus composiciones a tan temprana edad sigue causando asombro.
Es el álbum que dio al mundo "Cumbres borrascosas", una canción extraña y chiflada que no se parece a nada de lo que vino antes o después. (Translation)

And some Brontë quotes around: Suffolk Gazette in a (colourful) snow-centred article, Newsday, Libreriamo (Italy), Kawanku (Indonesia), The Daily Sentinel...

Finally, AnneBrontë.org celebrates the new year: A Day of Change for the Brontës.


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